Very Little is Needed . . .

dalla collezione Spring/Summer 2020Estate, prima 5 annifa
di Kate O
Very Little is Needed   . . .- Combinazione di moda
14 AUG 2020 ~ I have noticed that most People and Families are happy and not because they have material things ! Love, Family, Friendships are high priority for a Happy person and a Happy Life !!

Have a Happy Weekend !!

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Commenti (14)


Kate O, prima 5 annifa

Thanks Sweetie !!

dgia, prima 5 annifa

Absolutely charming !!! xxxx

Kate O, prima 5 annifa

Thanks so much Sweet Friends !!

beautifulplace, prima 5 annifa

Love, love, love ❤️

HalfMoonRun, prima 5 annifa

So beautiful and feminine styling. Very, very pretty, soft and creative set.

BeBeauty, prima 5 annifa

wonderfully done smile

Kate O, prima 5 annifa

Thank You so much for the nice comments !! Hugs !!
Niwi ~ great way to express it !! "Home made " is perfect !! xoxo !!
Michelle858 ~ Weekend is going to be "HOT !!! " and I am staying in !!

Helenelle, prima 5 annifa

Such a beautiful set!!❤️

Niwi , prima 5 annifa

Yes! Most of time, happyness is home made smile
Lovely fresh set sweetie ! xoxo

Michelle858, prima 5 annifa

I find that is true as well. I hope your weekend is going well, Kate. This is such a cute outfit : )

Danijela , prima 5 annifa

dreamy ♥

Paperdollie, prima 5 annifa

Fabulous! love the set and the lovely words

Kate O, prima 5 annifa

Thanks Sweetie !!

justmetwo, prima 5 annifa

Absolutely gorgeous.True words Kate,happy weekend to you ♥

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