Take a watertaxi, go work by the ocean ...

dalla collezione summerSpiaggia, prima 5 annifa
di sandra
Take a watertaxi, go work by the ocean ...- Combinazione di moda
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Commenti (5)



sandra , prima 5 annifa

Kate O you've been to Sydney, lucky you smile and water, for something that gives way so easily, can be so awfully difficult to navigate. Always good to have a new and fresh experience though

sandra , prima 5 annifa

HalfMoonRun I love unique ways to travel and that seems to be one. Hope I get to try it one day. flâneur is another favourite French word of mine smile

Kate O, prima 5 annifa

Amazing Set Sweetie !! Had a great time in a water taxi in Sydney !! A little bumpy, but, fun !!

HalfMoonRun, prima 5 annifa

wonderful styling. great, great set. love the word "flâneur" and the title of your set. And yes, take a watertaxi "... has it's advantages". on the Seine, there are batobuses : )

beautifulplace, prima 5 annifa

Such a beautiful dress and set!

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