Mint & Beige

dalla collezione Travel sets Paris etVintage, prima 4 annifa
di countrycuz
Mint & Beige- Combinazione di moda
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Commenti (17)


countrycuz, prima 4 annifa

thank you beautifulplace

beautifulplace, prima 4 annifa

So very chic and romantic!!

countrycuz, prima 4 annifa

#winter, #beigemint, #vintage

countrycuz, prima 4 annifa

thank you

Doozer , prima 4 annifa

This is so beautiful Sweetie!! XXO

lemo, prima 4 annifa

very beautifulheartheartheart

countrycuz, prima 4 annifa

thank you @never and Renita

countrycuz, prima 4 annifa

thank you BeBeauty

countrycuz, prima 4 annifa

thank you Michelle858

countrycuz, prima 4 annifa

thank you justmetwo and Happy Holidays

countrycuz, prima 4 annifa

thank you dgia and hugs to you as well.

dgia, prima 4 annifa

Wonderful set,love the colors,the marvelous card from Paris,the beautiful accessories and the stunning set design,congras on your great work!!!!! Hugs from Greece!

justmetwo, prima 4 annifa

Perfect ♥

Michelle858, prima 4 annifa

So pretty ! ! !

BeBeauty, prima 4 annifa

so sweet smile

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