City of Love . . .

コレクション: Autumn/Winter 2018トラベル, 6 年前
by O Kate
City of Love . . .- コーディネート
14 FEB 2019 ~ Next time I fall in Love I want to be in Paris, France not Texas !!!

Thinking of my French Friends !! Hugs !!

コメント (19)


haikuandkysses, 6 年前


O Kate, 6 年前

Suburbhater ~ Since America is an Immigrant country most of our city names are from other countries also !! Only exception is the American Indian who lived here first and got royally screwed, but hey, we named military helicopters after their tribes !! ;(

Suburbhater, 6 年前

just to add to this all - there is a tiny town called Paris in Ontario (of course it is not far from London, Stratford, Woodstock, Tavistock, Edinburgh, Dublin, even a place once known as Berlin Ontario - we took most of our town names from European cities.

O Kate, 6 年前

You are so sweet !! Hugs & Happy Saturday !!

HalfMoonRun, 6 年前

O Kate Ne soyez surtout pas désolée. J'adore apprendre de nouvelles choses. Je vous dis plutôt merci. - O Kate Do not be sorry. I love learning new things. I say thank you instead. ☆

Niwi, 6 年前

xo smile

O Kate, 6 年前

When I traveled I would come across Cities with the same name here in USA. We probably can't claim most of our city names as original, for instance Dublin & Paris are in quite a few states. I have researched my little city of Rocklin and I have not found any other state that has a city or town called Rocklin. The Transcontinental Railroad and specifically the Pacific Railroad named my city because of the mining of Granite. Rocklin was their fueling & water station for Northern California, now it is Roseville because of the need to expand.
When my Father passed away in 1976 in Redding, CA. I called Ruhkala Granite Quarry in Rocklin and asked them to create a double headstone so my parents would have a little bit of Rocklin forever. I went to High School with the Ruhkala boys and became good friends because my boyfriend hung out with them and his Mom was friends with Peggy Ruhkala their Mom.
Sorry about the little lesson on Rocklin !! I get carried away sometimes !!
Hugs and have a wonderful weekend dear Lili Marie and friends !!!

HalfMoonRun, 6 年前

O Kate Nous sommes tantôt à Montréal (Canada. Il y a 5 villes appelées Montréal en France. C'est un peu comme la ville de Paris au Texas.) et tantôt à Paris. J'AIME tellement aller d'une ville à l'autre. Très bon week-end! et encore une fois, merci. - O Kate We are sometimes in Montréal (Canada. There are 5 cities called Montréal in France, it's like the city of Paris in Texas) and sometimes in Paris. I LOVE going from one city to another. Very good weekend! And once again, thank you. - Lili Marie

O Kate, 6 年前

Glad you like !! When we were on PV I didn't realize you Ladies were from Paris or at least France !! It would make me so happy to visit Paris again !! And get to meet you & your friends !! Hugs !!

HalfMoonRun, 6 年前

Oh Kate! O Kate Quel beau et gentil cadeau. Séduisant style rocker chic et combien féminin. Chacun de nous vous remercie et vous attend à Paris. ☆ Oh Kate O Kate What a beautiful and kind gift. Seductive chic rocker style and how feminine. Each of us thanks you and waits for you in Paris. ☆

O Kate, 6 年前

Welcome Sweetie !! I am glad you are my Friend too !! When you don't have someone reminding you of it, it can & obviously did go unnoticed !! It's Okay, you have Love in your heart all year long !! Take Care & enjoy the Weekend !! xoxo !!

Niwi, 6 年前

Thank you Kate, this is beautiful and very original. I love it ! I can't believe V day is already over. I didn't see it coming, and I didn't see it pass. I'm so lucky I have you as a so good friend sweetie smile xo

Nanni33, 6 年前


O Kate, 6 年前

For: Niwiand HalfMoonRun
Thinking of You and Paris !!

O Kate, 6 年前

Thanks my Sweet Friends !!


コーディネートで使われているアイテム (7)

Earrings - イヤリング -
Armani - ブレスレット -
JOSEPH Green - ワンピース・ドレス -
brown sunglasses - サングラス -

ディスプレイ用アイテム  (5)

Custom text - イラスト用文字 -


square frame - フレーム -
text - イラスト用文字 -
Paris - 背景 -

by Qiou

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