Hearts United In Pain And Sorrow, 1st TM Art Set

コレクション: My Art Setsアート, 7 年前
by haikuandkysses
Hearts United In Pain And Sorrow, 1st TM Art Set - コーディネート
My 1st Art Set On TrendMe

50 Item Set

Moving Forward, Moving On

"Hearts united in pain and sorrow
will not be separated by joy and happiness.
Bonds that are woven in sadness
are stronger than the ties of joy and pleasure.
Love that is washed by tears
will remain eternally pure and faithful."
— Kahlil Gibran (Love Letters in the Sand: The Love Poems of Khalil Gibran)

コメント (16)



Gianoula, 5 年前

Awesome art work heart

neverorever, 6 年前


Young Laura, 7 年前

Wow, amazing art set!

alleypea, 7 年前

This is lovely! Yes, we are all in the same boat. This is so much harder and less user-friendly than Polyvore was. Hopefully they will improve this site.

haikuandkysses, 7 年前

Yes @maririvel ... Making art was a big art of many of our lives. We created art every day ...lots of it. It seemed so effortless in many ways now when I look back on it. This is much harder ... I think mainly because we don't have as many of our items uploaded and ready to use. Everything takes a lot longer and is much harder. Hopefully things will get easier in time. I keep telling myself it has only been a few weeks ... it's going to take some time! Missing the cutting tool also ...I used it so much ...I was even using it when Poly got shut down ...lol I am sure things will keep getting better on here with time. Great to reconnect with you and so many other Poly artists on here! ((( Hugs ))) We are all in the same boat now >>> We are all starting over!

mararivel, 7 年前

I also miss making my ART Sets.. it is so hard here.... Could save most of my Poly ART sets on my PC, thank´s so many saved them on Pinterest... from there I could save them on my PC, so I can still look at them... It is hard to make Sets here, not so easy than Poly was, hard to find the right Items, you cannot cut them out... Hope they will work on this Program to make it better... nice to you all here...

haikuandkysses, 7 年前

Thanks so much Danna @CraftyGeminiCreation ... These past few weeks haven't been pretty ... Trying to find my Creative Mojo Again! Hopefully things will get easier as time goes on! It helps to see others like yourself creating things! Good to see you too ... It's starting to feel better on here seeing everybody again! xoxo ((( Hugs! )))

CraftyGeminiCreation, 7 年前

Bravo!!So happy to see your magnificent sets again my friend!

Lacas , 7 年前

wow! excellent

ArtFashionByRomilly, 7 年前

Amazing art set smile))

haikuandkysses, 7 年前

Thank you all so much for your support Dear Poly friends and new TrendMe friends. I know all of you know the feeling of trying to learn something new here on TrendMe. It's been very hard. I know all of you share in the feelings of what we lost when SSense shut down Polyvore. I know you all know the pain of the loss of our art and share in the hurt. Hopefully we can all reunite here on TrendMe and other sites and continue to grow and share our creativity with each other. Today was a big step forward for me. It was like stepping off of a cliff in some regards, not knowing what was going to happen and how it was all going to turn out. I was very relieved and happy to be able to hit the Save button and not lose everything as I have several times before, and I know some of you have had that happen as well. Cheers to moving on and moving forward! I am grateful to be here with all of you and look forward to everyone making LOTS AND LOTS of art! xoxo

O Kate, 7 年前

Congrats on your first ( of many ) Art Set here on TM !! You Are Amazing !!

mararivel, 7 年前


YasminasDream, 7 年前

Fabulous work!

zaplily, 7 年前

Incredible Christine! Just like all of your art!


ディスプレイ用アイテム  (40)

text - イラスト用文字 -
Heart - イラスト -
Green Eyes - イラスト -
Heart - イラスト -
eyes - イラスト用文字 -
Butterfly - イラスト -
Heart - イラスト -
green eye3 - イラスト -
Eye - イラスト -
Hearts - イラスト -
Hearts - イラスト -
Hearts - イラスト -
Heart.png - イラスト用文字 -
Hearts - イラスト用文字 -
Hearts - イラスト -
Heart Blue - イラスト -
Hearts - イラスト -
heart eye - イラスト -
Hearts - イラスト -
Hearts - イラスト -
Heart - イラスト -
Heart - イラスト -
Apple of my eye - イラスト用文字 -
hearts - フレーム -
Heart - イラスト -
Heart - イラスト -
Relación Dos - イラスト -

