Almost Springtime !!

コレクション: Spring/Summer 2020スプリング(春), 5 年前
by O Kate
Almost Springtime !!- コーディネート
18 MAR 2020 ~ Flowers & Trees are blooming & the sweet birds are singing but it's not officially Spring until 11:50 pm EDT on March 19th !! So Close !!

Happy almost Springtime !!

コメント (21)


Niwi, 5 年前

Our local store opens 1 hour earlier for Seniors and fragile people.
I'm sure some people thought about running from one store to another to hoard, though we must take with us an attestation showing our address, why we are outside, and we are supposed to shop grocery the closest from home. It is supposed to be controlled but I didn't see any control here so far. Maybe because I went out of the house only once. But well... people are people sweetie, all over the world they are se same and I'm ashamed to see how many people here don't take it seriously.
I could feel things comming so I'm ok with my goods. No very big stock but a bit of many thing, rather various. Plus what I cooked and keep into the freezer, maybe I don't have to go outside next week.
Take care of you sweetie ! xoxo

O Kate, 5 年前

Niwi ~ not looking forward to venturing into the unknown !! Apparently all the stores here are limiting certain items, but, if you are willing and financially able to go from store to store to hoard, then you'll get what you want and screw anyone else. There are some stores that are offering Seniors the chance to shop earlier than regular store hours on certain days. The store nearest to me is doing that on Tuesday & Thursday, unfortunately, I missed it this week.
Never thought I would see, let alone live through a situation like this one!
It makes me angry, frustrated and sad !! Take care and Breathe !!

Niwi, 5 年前

Many shelves are empty here too. Basics like rice and pasta mainly. Stores are regularly supplied but people are buying so much and storing in case of shortage. Or for not having to come back to the store before a while. Our local store had to forbid its customer to buy more than 3 same items.

O Kate, 5 年前

Niwi ~ Thanks for the update !! I am fine with food, but, just realized Meesu will need more in the next few days !! Don't know about you, but, there are empty shelves and some stores are turning people away. I did my major shopping before people started to stock up, so I don't know what I will encounter. =(

Niwi, 5 年前

Thank you sweetie ! I'm safe home, so far. So is Luc, working from home too. And Juliet stays wisely home. We only go outside if we need to go grocery.

O Kate, 5 年前

Awesome !! That makes me feel better !! I do worry about you !! Hugs !!

Niwi, 5 年前

Yes ! For real.

O Kate, 5 年前

Are you working from home for real ?? Niwi ~ Hugs to You too !!

Niwi, 5 年前

This is so lovely. I can feel spring here, working at home with the window open.
Hugs Kate ! xoxo

O Kate, 5 年前

Big Hugs and Thanks to You !!
@cure kitty

beautifulplace , 5 年前

Absolutely wonderfulheart

BeBeauty, 5 年前

woooow, pretty style smile

kitty cure, 5 年前

Gorgeous Set! ♥️♥️♥️

Misshonee, 5 年前

So beautiful ❤

O Kate, 5 年前

Thank You Lovely Ladies !!


コーディネートで使われているアイテム (8)

Rachel Zoe Alaya Mini Dress - ワンピース・ドレス - $395.00  ~ ¥44,457
Lipstick - コスメ -
Classic shoes & Pumps
Jimmy Choo - Classic shoes & Pumps -
overall dress - ワンピース・ドレス -
A PERFUME - フレグランス -

ディスプレイ用アイテム  (12)

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spring - イラスト用文字 -
Text - イラスト用文字 -
shadow - 小物 -
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