Who's Counting ??

コレクション: Spring/Summer 2020普段着, 5 年前
by O Kate
Who's Counting ?? - コーディネート
30 MAR 2020 ~ I am !! It's been almost a month and even though I am a hermit at heart it's wearing on me !!

One Day at a Time !!!

コメント (8)



Niwi, 5 年前

Hugs sweetie! Hold on! xoxo

O Kate, 5 年前

Niwi ~ Yep almost a month !! I started a short time after the first of March !! I am not actually counting the days, just a rough estimate of how long it's been. I am a homebody by nature and it is my routine to stay home unless I have somewhere to go, no window shopping etc !! I really do enjoy doing my own thing, but I have noticed that there is a difference of self sheltering versus being " told " to self shelter. Also I know that when I do attempt to shop for food, it will be an experience unlike anything I have ever been through. Have had friends & family tell me about the empty shelves and people going nuts over a frozen dinner or paper towels ! I have only ventured out when I have Labs & Treatments, otherwise I stay home and inside. It is still one day at a time for me also !! Hugs Vero !! xoxo

Niwi, 5 年前

Are you counting the days of confinement ? I didn't realized it's already almons a month.
I started confinement the 16th March but finally decided not to count. One day at a time for most of things, but managing carefully my stocks, thinking in advance of my menues, cooking often. It's rather pleasant. I feel lucky to be confined in so good conditions, no time to bore as I still have my work and all the things I like doing.
Hugs Kate ! xoxo

O Kate, 5 年前

Thanks Bunches Dear Friends !!
Dusanic Marina

HalfMoonRun, 5 年前

Pretty cool comfort styling and set.

Michelle858, 5 年前

I'm not.This is something I could have worn today. It rained this morning and...no sun for the rest of the day - overcast. The boots would have kept me toasty heart (((Hugs)))

Dusanic Marina, 5 年前


Helenelle, 5 年前



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