コレクション: WINTER 2019ウィンター(冬), 6 年前
by Michelle858
CONTROVERSY FASHION: Noose Necklaces- コーディネート
I think they are overall negative and ugly. Teachers did this in a school as a joke for the kids. What are teachers thinking ? Glorifying suicide or lynching ??? Students need empowerment, positive role models and less bad taste.Teachers need to make school an awesome place to be and teach unity not negativity.

コメント (10)


O Kate, 6 年前

There is no excuse for anyone, especially a teacher to perpetuate violence, hatred and self harm. The manufacturer of those necklaces also need to be called out, along with the 2 teachers. Suspension without pay, a public apology by the teachers to the kids and their parents should be the first thing to happen. Hopefully it did !! The 2 teachers need to re-think their career paths. I realize everyone makes mistakes, but, people in authority need to be extra careful of what they say and do when it comes to people in general and children especially. The sad thing is that here in America, we are being shown and told that violence and prejudice is ok and that makes me sick and angry !!
Hugs Sweetie for sharing !!

Michelle858, 6 年前

O Kate
(see below)

Michelle858, 6 年前

@Kate O
I think the intent of this was that school is so stressful, here, hang yourself when you need to - I think that was supposed to be the message and that's just a wrong message to send to kids.

Michelle858, 6 年前

Yes. I believe that a couple of teachers did it as a "joke". They were called on it, but I do not know the outcome if they were suspended or disciplined.It was on the news, but no follow up story. Parents were definitely bothered by it, though.

Incogneato, 6 年前

Is this real? Seems unbelievable that a parent association would not have the staff’s ass in a sling! In Canada we have the private public school issue, but I don’t think it has such great differences in outcomes. Schools in neighborhoods that require a lot of parent involvement are also a good option. That said, not all parents can afford to volunteer time ... so there remains an element of elitism.

O Kate, 6 年前


Michelle858, 6 年前

O Kate
I do too, Kate O. I support home schooling, Waldorf and Montessori all the way. I went to private school till 8th grade. The education was good, but it was strict which had it's own ways of being at fault. I went to public school from 9th - 12th grade and the education was great, however, there was a lot of violence which had us locked in our classes at times and school being closed to cool off the riots that happened the day before. Too many negative distractions in public schools. Every day in a school should be a refreshing renewal or discovery of knowledge. I agree with you entire post, though.

O Kate, 6 年前

When the people we are supposed to trust to guide & teach our Children have the mindset & attitude of our current political leader, what do you expect ?? Granted, the public school system here in California has been in jeopardy for decades, but, nothing like this has ever been reported. I am the product of the California Public School system & to be honest, there was /is not one teacher that inspired me & the same goes for my daughter.
Not until my grandchildren became school age was I aware of the alternatives to public school, other than private schools. My folks couldn't afford a private school, nor can my daughter !! That did not deter her from investigating the alternatives & she found Waldorf Charter Schools that are based on the teaching method of Rudolph Steiner. I truly believe that if I had been able to attend a Waldorf School my life would be different !! All 3 of my grandkids love school & their teacher. I have never heard any of them say there was a fight or someone was being bullied, etc. I see these kids when I pick up mine and they are all happy, friendly and caring !! No wonder there is a very long waiting list to attend these schools. Parents are realizing that the public school system isn't working, not that it ever did in my opinion. Yes, there have been & probably will be kids that thrive in the public system, unfortunately they are the minority.
Sorry for the lengthy message !! I get carried away when it comes to what is happening or not happening !! =(

Michelle858, 6 年前

Thank you for commenting. Believe it or not, 52% of children right now have some sort of disability in the U.S. I never ever thought I would see it be like this. Especially when you have had an awesome childhood and than see how it is today.

elenaviola, 6 年前

Such a shame! Agree with you as to positive thinking at school, otherwise the students would be a lost generation, as it is already going...


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