Tree has been Trimmed !!

z kolekcji Autumn/Winter 2018Boże Narodzenie, przed 6 lat
od Kate O
 Tree has been Trimmed !!- Kreacja
29 NOV 2018 ~ Trimming my tree takes all day. I've been collecting Hallmark ornaments since 1972, the year Rachel was born & I add at least one new ornament each Christmas. Friends & Family also add to my collection along with other unique ornaments. I have Special Travel Ornaments that go on first to remind me of my Travels & friends I made along the way. My Christmas Tree is the story of my Life !!

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Komentarze (36)


Kate O, przed 6 lat

Thanks !!

haikuandkysses, przed 6 lat


Niwi , przed 6 lat

Thank you Kate ;-)

Kate O, przed 6 lat

Niwi ~ I have a little decorated tree that I found last night & put it on the counter, Meesu ignored it !! LOL !! If she knocks it down, nothing can break !
Happy December First !! I saw & commented on your Winter set on FB !! Love it !!

Niwi , przed 6 lat

Ok sweetie, I'm relieved then. Enjoy the weekend ! xoxo

Doozer , przed 6 lat


Kate O, przed 6 lat

Hugs & Thanks my Special Friends !!
EmJule ~ =D
Doozer ~ OMG !! I am imagining what went through your minds !! I had 4 cats at one time and none tried to climb my tree !! Not sure what Meesu might do !!
Especially when Rachel was young I would get her a dated ornament, now I get her a Bird or Marjolein Bastin Nature ornaments. I have been getting me the Frosty Fun Decade ever since they started the series in 2009. Just got 2018 along with my other ones for Rachel & the Munchkins. xoxo !!

Niwi ~ I am sure Vero !! I began to imagine the tree being knocked off the counter and ornaments everywhere !! Meesu does jump on my counter and she knocked over a ceramic Pumpkin before Halloween and broke it, so I know it's quite possible she would be drawn to the lights & sparkly ornaments !! I will still get to enjoy my tree because Rachel called and I told her I wasn't going to put up my tree this year !! She asked if she could borrow it and save the $50+ on a cut tree. I said
Yes !! She is going to come get it and decorate it to surprise the Munchkins on Monday after school. ( it's Phil's Weekend). I suggested she hold on to last years ornament I gave them so they can put it on the tree !! She liked that idea !! So the issue is solved to everyones satisfaction !! I put up my lights around my front window this afternoon, so it looks like Christmas is coming !!
Hugs Sweetie !! Have a Wonderful first weekend in December !! Go with the Flow, Vero !! xoxoxo !!

EmJule , przed 6 lat

What a wonderful tree! Congrats!!! Love the tree

Doozer , przed 6 lat

One year we woke up in the middle of the night to sounds of breaking glass. We came downstairs and found our cat half way up the tree knocking the balls across the room, she had great fun. Thankfully they weren't any of our special ones. Like you we have been getting a new dated one each year since we were married in 1975. Hugs

Niwi , przed 6 lat

Oh I'm sorry you give up on the tree Kate! Are you sure ? It wasn't my purpose when I told you Meesu could jump. And the good luck was for laughing!

sandra , przed 6 lat


thenycbaglady, przed 6 lat

Lovely Festive Christmas Set of The day! Congrats!

HonkyTonkDancer, przed 6 lat


Kate O, przed 6 lat

Thank You Sweet Friends for your comments and Congrats !! This was not expected at all !!
Fashion Design
Pam ~ You have me laughing at the thought of a wet Meesu chewing through the lights and getting Zapped !! Hugs !!
Niwi ~ Hugs Vero !! No Tree this year, took your advice !! Outside Decor is nothing like the set I made, just some Poinsettias, a new Wreath and my Garden Flag so far, I may add more if I have the energy !! xoxo !!

Niwi , przed 6 lat

Another set of the day! Congratulations Kate! Wow !

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