Lucky you getting a look in someone's reading room

z kolekcji interiorsDekoracja wnętrz, przed 5 lat
od sandra
Lucky you getting a look in someone's reading room- Kreacja
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Komentarze (6)


Michelle858, przed 5 lat

This is so excellent !
I love the trunk to use as a coffee table ! Great

beautifulplace, przed 5 lat

Marvelous dearheart

sandra , przed 5 lat

HalfMoonRun you as well smile

HalfMoonRun, przed 5 lat

sandra it is really very kind of you. Thank you for welcoming us to your reading corner ... We all wish you a great weekend.

sandra , przed 5 lat

HalfMoonRun of course, its always great to share to love of books and a good story smile

HalfMoonRun, przed 5 lat

A reading corner so inviting, absolutely perfect.
Do you accept other readers with you in this room?

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