
z kolekcji Polyvore reunitedSztuka, przed 7 lat
od Suburbhater
Suggestions- Kreacja
If you have any suggestions to improve the site here - please put them in comments and we will pass them on to the site. Things like..... I really miss being able to zoom in and out to help me see what I am doing in set making.

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Komentarze (37)


Countrycousin , przed 7 lat

Any idea how to make collections yet to organize favorites?
Fillers are hard to search for by labels so how can we collectively add them? On polyvore we could add (#) ex. #brown, is that an option here.
Can we thank people by using (@) ex @suburbhater or not...

Incogneato, przed 7 lat

Not a huge problem, but often when I save a draft some of the images are gone. I wondered if it was a Flash problem (using safari 11.1) Thanks!

haikuandkysses, przed 7 lat


Suburbhater , przed 7 lat

I have noticed changes here almost daily - dear Webmaster - you all must be working overtime to help us. Thank you!

Pam , przed 7 lat

Thank you Webmasters for all the work you're willing to do for us! I have very limited time & am trying to "rebuild" my items ~ thankfully I'm lazy & never deleted my uploaded images from my computer so almost every item I had on Polyvore, I can still have here! Organizing my items is key. Since I have little time to create, I need to have my items organized, to help create quicker!
I really do appreciate your hard work for us! xoxo
(And thank you, Lynne, for helping this along!)

webmaster trendMe, przed 7 lat

You're welcome smile new things will follow soon

Etteniotna, przed 7 lat

Yes, Thank you Webmaster, things are really improving, this is great!

Niwi , przed 7 lat

Thank you Webmaster, I'm loving the new profile page! You rock ! smile

Suburbhater , przed 7 lat

Webmaster - Thank you for following this thread! We used to tag each item we liked and then when we opened our Create area our tags were there and we could access different things. You have the same concept in place with your items - when we go to Graphic Elements we then can choose various options like Frames or Background or Furniture. It would be nice to be able to set up our own pictures into subcategories of our own choosing.

webmaster trendMe, przed 7 lat

Hi, ok, understand. Do you have any suggestions how to best redesign your favorites in order to have better organization? Maybe additional filters will help?

Suburbhater , przed 7 lat

Yes - organizing our items and effects would be wonderful. I spend far too long searching through mine.

Countrycousin , przed 7 lat

Trendme is an amazing site. It has made so many changes to make us feel more comfortable. I for one would love to organize my favorites. As if you didn't notice I am a collector & it is getting hard to find the one I am looking for even when I know what it is.

Niwi , przed 7 lat

Thank you Webmaster. We know you need time and we'll be patient. As Suburbhater says, we are happy we can be all together on here.

Suburbhater , przed 7 lat

Webmaster - thank you so much! I am happy to see the changes you are making and overall I am very happy with this site. I see many friends here and we can chat and comment. Thank you for your support of us!

webmaster trendMe, przed 7 lat

Our dear users, we are here all the time and we hear every voice and every message. We have lot of things to do on our list and we will deliver every one of them. We just need some time. We already made few improvements as Niwi stated. Maybe you noticed new set page

Now you can easily like every set. Soon it will be deployed on all set's all over the site. Also, we are heavy in designing your new trendMe profile. We're sure you will like it because we shared our suggestion with few of you and feedback is positive smile

We will also redesign Create page. It's not bad but something can be simplified. Stay tuned...

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