
z kolekcji Spring/Summer 2019Lato, przed 6 lat
od Kate O
Stella - Kreacja
20 AUG 2019 ~ she may have a Famous Dad, but, she has come into her own as a Fashion Designer !!

Happy Tuesday !!

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Komentarze (17)


Niwi , przed 6 lat


Kate O, przed 6 lat

Niwi ~ Yes, she was very clever and very creative ! I believe Mr Cooper has an older half brother who didn't get much of an inheritance because of his entitlement attitude. He was the proverbial rich playboy living off his trust fund and whatever he could get from his father when alive and she didn't want her youngest son to be that way !! She certainly succeeded !! xoxo

Niwi , przed 6 lat

It was maybe a trick to make him take his own life in hands, not waiting after some inheritage. Clever mum... ;-)

Kate O, przed 6 lat

Thanks Bunches !! Appreciate your kind comments !!
Niwi ~ it is always refreshing to hear or know that kids of the rich and famous have dreams and plans of their own and succeed in those dreams without flaunting their parentage. Anderson Cooper comes to mind. His Mother was Gloria Vanderbilt and she told him he wouldn't inherit her estate. He is a well known and respected Journalist who made his own fortune. In the end she did leave him the majority of her estate. =D

peewee PV

Niwi , przed 6 lat

Light and fresh, I'm loving this Kate ! Challenges are even harder for those Famous parents'kids smile She took it with succes.
Hugs! xoxo

peewee PV, przed 6 lat

so pretty and fresh

Kate O, przed 6 lat

Thank You Friends !!

dgia, przed 6 lat

Stunning,love Stella!

beautifulplace, przed 6 lat

Super pretty and sweet style!! In love with this set!♥

Kate O, przed 6 lat

You are the BEST my Friends !! Thank You !!

HalfMoonRun, przed 6 lat

Very pretty styling. Lovely colours. So charming happy set.

Vittorio1, przed 6 lat

Simple and beautiful! Just perfect, dear!

Doozer , przed 6 lat

Yes she has! This is perfect Sweetie!! XXO

Gianoula , przed 6 lat

≧✯◡✯≦ So harmonic and loose outfit

neverorever , przed 6 lat

Fantastic set sweetie heart

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