Where were You 17 years ago today ??

da colecção Autumn/Winter 2018Arte, antes 7 anos
de Kate O
Where were You 17 years ago today ??- combinação de moda
11 SEP 2018 ~ was on a land tour to Berlin, from the port of Warnemunde, Germany. Our Cruise through the Baltic States had only started 3 days prior. Because no flights were allowed to America, no one could get home, so we continued on the cruise for another 12 days. It was a bittersweet trip and one I will never forget !! Still so surreal to this day !!

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Kate O, antes 6 anos

Thanks !!

haikuandkysses, antes 6 anos


Kate O, antes 7 anos

Aww, Bev !! I can not imagine what you were feeling !! I have family that has served in Iraq & Afghanistan, all three were young when 9/!! happened. Each one was in different branches of the military, only one saw action as a Sniper in the Army. The other 2 were in Military support. 9/11 changed so many lives and for me, it is what I want to do each year to honor those who lost or sacrificed their lives in that senseless act of Terrorism !! God Bless your Kids who served in the Military to protect not only America , but the world !! Hugs !!
Bev Martin

Kate O, antes 7 anos

Dear Friends !! Thank you for your heartfelt comments on the Memorial for 9/11.
@Tina ~ I created a Memorial for 9/11 for the 7 years on PV, so it was natural for me to do so here on tM. A few years later I met up with some friends from Australia who lost a co-worker that day, so visiting the Memorial and NYFD that responded was a priority!! Needless to say we all started crying at the senseless loss of lives. You must have been distraught worrying about your husband and being so close to the devastation. I can not begin to imagine how you must have felt !! Hugs !!
sandra ~ You are correct !! I was in History Class when the News of Kennedy's Assassination was announced. They were my Idols, I had the back of my bedroom door plastered with pictures of them and I was devastated !! I remember running to my Dad sobbing !! 9/!! was totally different for me, I was numb, in shock, hoping it was a misunderstanding, etc. I was unable to get home to California for 12 days & it was torture !! We kept hearing false reports that California was their next target !
As much as it hurts to remember, I need to honor those innocent people who died and the men and women who gave their lives in hopes of saving others !! Hugs !!
Doozer ~ Hugs Sweetie !! Thanks for sharing your thoughts !!

Bev Martin, antes 7 anos

Beautiful tribute to 9/11! I was at home, staring in horror at the 9/11 coverage, knowing that at least one of my children would have to go fight, since they were both in the Army, and I was right!

annaboo, antes 7 anos

sandra , antes 7 anos

Kate O You have this instant shift in how you view the world and you don't even know it. Just goes to show that there is no such thing as this only happens elsewhere. Looking at the TV that afternoon part of you just grows up and because very realistic all the sudden (or at least I did). And to think that was halfway across the ocean says it all really.

either way you are welcome and this is a beautiful tribute

TinaMc , antes 7 anos

By the way, thank you for remembering and for making such a lovely set.

Doozer , antes 7 anos

Thank you Kate for this memorial. I too will never forget where I was and the shock and disbelief that something this devastating was happening on our country.

TinaMc , antes 7 anos

I was leaving for work when my husband called and said to turn on the TV... the 2nd plane had just hit the towers...I watched in disbelief for several minutes then had to go on to work. I live outside of Washington DC and ended up being in heavy traffic just South of the Pentagon...dark smoke was filling the air and an announcement came over the radio that the Pentagon had just been hit. I sat there in traffic, panic-stricken since my husband had told me only minutes before that he had to leave for a meeting at the Pentagon. Fortunately, I was soon able to reach him and learned his meeting had been cancelled shortly after we had talked. My heart goes out to all those who were not so fortunate that day and my sincere gratitude goes to all those who so valiantly responded at all three locations.

Kate O, antes 7 anos

@cure kitty ~ Thank you for sharing your thoughts !!

cure kitty, antes 7 anos

Awesome! I was working that day it happened and it was just unbelievable that it happened. Never forget 911!

Niwi , antes 7 anos

Kate O, antes 7 anos

Thank You for your comments Sweet Friends !!
sandra ~ never would have thought America would go through something so devastating. I was 16 when Kennedy was assassinated and that was traumatic for me and America. I still can't wrap my head around 9/11. Thanks for sharing your thoughts !!
HalfMoonRun ~ being only five, 9/11 is an event that you only read about and like me who was not in the Country at the time can't really wrap our heads around what happened. This day is still so Surreal !! Thanks for sharing your thoughts !!

Kate O, antes 7 anos

Niwi ~ I did not know what happened until I was back on the ship !! I knew it was something bad, because when we went back to the train station there was military lining the underground entrance to the platforms. All were carrying rifles, etc. and were on the alert !! The train ride back to the ship took 2 hours of gut wrenching fear !! When we got to the port, it was pouring down rain and yet there were people from the town standing around with candles. One fellow was passing out Doomsday flyers !! The Captain notified the whole ship only after we were back in our cabins and had CNN on the TV. Only then did I know what had happened and I was stunned, shocked and fearful for Family & Friends. The cruise we were on was made up of mostly Americans, so there was some concern about our safety. The Captain & Crew took precautions and I didn't feel afraid. It was unnerving though when I went on the tours and getting off the bus there would be people singing or playing "New York, New York " etc... our 24 year old tour guide Marak started to cry after we were on the bus to visit Estonia. Every tour there would be local people sharing their support and grief. It was incredible and heartwarming !!
I'll never forget either !! Hugs, Vero

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