just the 2 of us

da colecção celebrating lifeFantasia, antes 14 anos
de Elena Ekkah
just the 2 of us- combinação de moda
this is actually my husband's idea .. he thought it would be like really really cool if I would hang all the clothes and accessories from the tree, and he had chosen the graphic ... although the girl on the left should've been naked and with big breasts ... but you can have it all, can you ;)

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haikuandkysses, antes 7 anos


maca1974, antes 13 anos

odličan set...predivni plavi artikli

Pepeljugica, antes 13 anos

Dobra ideja smile

Tina Jurković, antes 14 anos

Bravo husband smile

Gea , antes 14 anos

aha ... sad sam skužila to s mužem ;)

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