Keystone species 36: sunflowers

da colecção keystone speciesGlamour, antes 3 mêses
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Keystone species 36: sunflowers- combinação de moda
Sunflowers aren't only the national symbol of Ukraine the brave they are also essential to their local areas.

Their deep roots improve the soil. When planted next to corn they are reduce the risk of pests associated with that plant.

They produce a large amount of nectar and are a main source of sustenance for about 50 different types of bees and even more caterpillars.

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Márta Tugyi, antes 3 mêses

So nice!

dehti, antes 3 mêses

So pretty❤️

BeBeauty, antes 3 mêses

love it ♥ sunflowers are my favorite flowers

JelNik, antes 3 mêses

I love this sunny flowers and your wonderful set!

Renita , antes 3 mêses


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