Thank You Mr. M. !!

da colecção Spring/Summer 2018Arte, antes 7 anos
de Kate O
Thank You Mr. M. !!- combinação de moda
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Niwi , antes 7 anos

xoxo smile

Kate O, antes 7 anos

Niwi ~ It's not a matter of Trust Sweetie, it's a matter of Believing in You !!
and . . . . I definitely Believe in You !!
Hugs!! xoxoxo !!

Niwi , antes 7 anos

Ah! Thank you Kate, you trusting me is heartwarming smile

Kate O, antes 7 anos

Niwi ~ Oh Yes !! I agree with Luc !! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain, especially if it is published !! Putting yourself out there and having someone critique your work could be stressful, but, if you don't try, you will never know if you have the next Best selling Novel in you !! Go for it Vero !!
xoxox !!!

Niwi , antes 7 anos

I'm writing for my pleasure, but when I started last year it was for a short story contest. Then... I was done with my short story, ready to give it away but I couldn't. It was too frustrating for I had other plans for these caracters, and plenty of ideas. So I didn't send it to the contest and went on with the story.
So this is for my pleasure only, I really love writing (in my mother tongue, it's easy for me ;-) but Luc think I should send it to editors and try to publish. Do you picture this ?!

Niwi , antes 7 anos

"Before" it was the same for me, summer vacation during the 2 week closure of the office, plus one other week. But now I'm following school holidays and when the school is closed, we can't go and work. This is why we have long working days to catch up the annual amount of working hours, with no lunch break. We have lunch at the canteen but we are still at disposal during this break in case of need. Well... I go this way until the 31st August. Starting 1st September, I'm on half time... a lot of spare time then, yeah! ;-)

Kate O, antes 7 anos

Niwi ~ It must be difficult going back to work after a long Holiday !! My major Vacations were usually only 2-3 weeks at a time. Though when I went to Ireland & Europe the first time it was 5 weeks and really too short a time !!
Refresh my memory, Vero. Your writing, is that just for pleasure, a class project, contest or for publication ?? I know you told me at one time, but, you know. . . Blonde/Senior moment here !! LOL !!
Happy Sunday and I hope your return to work tomorrow is stress free !!
Hugs my Dear Friend !! xoxox

Niwi , antes 7 anos

Yes you are right, I should hear about it even if I try to keep my bubble news and stress free as much ac possible at the moment.
I'm almost done with the writing, I can see the final line in the distance. I need probably one more week. After that, I can take the hard part : re-reading, correction, chasing inconsistencies, and so on... ;-)
Sunday is begining, it's 9:45 am, my very last free day before returning to work tomorrow.
Have a beautiful Sunday sweetie !

Kate O, antes 7 anos

Niwi ~ I am sure your news will broadcast quite loudly if there is an Impeachment or Resignation !! Both would impact Europe and the world !! DT has alienated all past Allies, they just do not trust him and rightly so. !!
Hope your Sunday is pleasant and you get a lot of writing done !! Hugs !!!

Niwi , antes 7 anos

I see. Thank you for the explanations Kate ! I've heard about this a bit at the News, I combess I don't listen to them a lot, I even try not to. But they probably talk about this less often here that in the States.

Kate O, antes 7 anos

Niwi ~ Hugs Sweetie !! Totally understand that you are super busy !!
Mr. M. (Mueller) is the lead investigator on the alleged criminal actions of DT & his Cronies. Manafort has been convicted and Cohen ( DT's personal Attorney) plead guilty and implicated DT in numerous criminal activities. There are many more indictments to come so the Repubs are trying to cover their back sides. It is just the tip of the Iceberg, so I think in the months to come people from the Administration down to Senators & Congressmen could be indicted !! Impeachment is being discussed in earnest and the demand for a resignations of those involved is on the table also. Lots to think about here !!

Niwi , antes 7 anos

Powerful set sweetie! I'm not sure I understand what it is about but I know for sure because of who you are in such anger.
I've been out of connexion a three days this week and I'm terribly behind. Please forgive me if I'm not commenting when catching up, but be sure I do love every of your sets!
This is the last weekend before going back to work. I'm writing madly to try to be done but I'm afraid it won't be possible. But soon... ! ;-)
Hugs Kate !

Kate O, antes 7 anos

alaska ~ Thanks Hon !! Yes, we are living in depressing, hate filled times !! Sane America wants the world to know that NO ONE is above the Law !! Hugs !!
Happy Weekend !!

alaska , antes 7 anos

Deeply moving- so depressing- but powerful

alaska , antes 7 anos

Amazing. SO powerful Kate

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