and So Can You !!

da colecção Spring/Summer 2019Verão, antes 6 anos
de Kate O
and So Can You !!- combinação de moda
27 APR 2019 ~ I believe the Women of this world can do great things, starting in the Home and with the Family. Just look at what we Women have done the first half of 2019 !!

Have a "Can Do" Saturday !!

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Comentários (18)


haikuandkysses, antes 6 anos


Kate O, antes 6 anos

Thank You so much !!

HalfMoonRun, antes 6 anos

Lovely styling and colours and so charming filled with the summer heat set ☆

Kate O, antes 6 anos

Thanks Hon !!

Misshonee, antes 6 anos

Perfect Spring Outfit!

Kate O, antes 6 anos

@Niwi and Incogneato ~ Given the mindset of #45 and those who support him, I wouldn't put it past them to try and drag us backwards. You are so correct in regards to both books !! What was once Sci-Fi is now reality in many ways and NOT in a good way !! Hugs Sweet Friends !!

Kate O, antes 6 anos

Thanks Hon !!

Niwi , antes 6 anos

Atwood's novel is dreadfully chilling and I hope with all my heart this will remain a fictionnal dystopie and not reality. But... when you think about novels like Orwel's 1984 which was a Sci Fi novel and is turning to some kind of manual... I worry too.
Hugs to you dear friends ! xoxo
Kate O

beautifulplace, antes 6 anos

Lovely casual look for spring!♥️

Incogneato, antes 6 anos

Kate O Niwi I do not want things to go backward. Not only for myself do I worry, but for the younger women going forth. It would be like a dystopian Margaret Atwood novel and I fear we'd be burned at the stake!! :O ❤️

Kate O, antes 6 anos

Thanks Sweetie !!

Kate O, antes 6 anos

Thank You All so very much !!
Incogneato ~ That it does !! I love it when I find great accessories for my outfits!!
I really do believe that women can make this world a better place. Sadly, it is and will be a uphill battle. Just need to keep our eyes on the prize !!
Niwi ~ Hugs Vero !! Totally agree that change starts with us and even though it will be difficult we can make our lives and those of the future so much better. We as women need to live smart and outsmart those that want us back to a time of being subservient. It's a good thing I wasn't born prior to the 1920's because I am so independent and stubborn that I would be in trouble all the time. Ha ha !!



Niwi , antes 6 anos

How beautiful this is ! Like Joyce, I just love the bracelet matching with the top.
We all can do something daily to make life better, starting with our onw. Women can do a lot, but this is a neverending fight, they must stay strong and watching.
Hugs! xoxo

neverorever , antes 6 anos

Fantastic heart

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