" In Difficult & Disappointing Times. . . "

da colecção Spring/Summer 2019Primavera, antes 6 anos
de Kate O
" In Difficult & Disappointing Times. . . "- combinação de moda
16 APR 2019 ~ have hope and faith that everything will work out as it should. J'taime Paris !!

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haikuandkysses, antes 6 anos


Niwi , antes 6 anos

Enjoy your day Kate, Hugs! smile

Kate O, antes 6 anos

Niwi ~ We are in total agreement that the newer places of worship just does satisfy our needs, whether it is to pray or meditate. For me a room with folding chairs, industrial lighting and empty of life is not where I want to be still and quietly pray or meditate. Then there are those " Religions " that don't allow a none believer entry, like the Mormons & Scientology !! For me it's like, what are you trying to hide ?? When my Niece got married at the Tabernacle in Salt Lake City, Utah, none of my side of the family could witness their vows. I wasn't able to attend, but, my Mom & brother Ed flew to Utah and you should have heard my Mom's rant !! She was pissed off that she spent good money to fly to Utah and to be told you can't go inside. It was early Sept and a very hot Indian Summer day.
Anyway I am getting off the subject. Religion & Politic will do that !!
The last " Church Services" I attended was with Lois & David at the strip mall location and they asked what I thought about the experience. I had to tell them it
was nice, but, not my thing.
Hope your Day is wonderful !! I am visiting with Lois & David today and I always have a nice time. It's good to be around people that have the same values and you honestly like !!

Hugs !! xoxo !!

Niwi , antes 6 anos

I'm with you on every line Kate.
I also had the opportunity to enter Jehovah's Witness Hall, and other religious congregations halls that were very welcoming, nice, but modern. The mood is not the same, sounds don't render in the same way than in an old stoned church. It's not a big deal because a believer can believe anywhere smile But what I like into an old church is the echo that obliges you to speak low, the foot step noice that almost makes me walk on tiptoes smile All these things you can't find into a modern Cathedral, church, or religious Hall.
We have a moderne Cathedral in the area, at Evry. If you googlelise "cathedral Evry" you should see her, all round built in red bricks, with a crown of trees at the top. The inside is just a little more austere and solemn than into a JW's hall I visited, but it doesn't "sound" like into an old church. I would not stay and meditate in there smile

Kate O, antes 6 anos

Vero, if you think about it, Religion has been the reason countries & people went to war way to often. Religion is also man made, I don't believe there is anywhere in the Bible that says " go forth and Create Religion " Just like most everything in Life we humans take things to the extreme and then fight over and about it. Makes no sense to me, just like it makes no sense that anyone would follow #45 !!

I agree that a church can be a good place to meditate, but, not just any church building. I have been to services with my Friend Lois in a strip mall. Also been to a Funeral service at a Jehovah's Witness Hall, not a church, a Hall. I didn't get the feeling of an actual church or Cathedral in either places. I realize that a building doesn't define the religion and services can be anywhere that people gather. I am spoiled in that the Churches I attended as a child and then an Adult were specifically built as a place of worship. When I think about that it, I am being silly and judgmental. Shame on me !!
Hugs my Sweet Friend !! xoxo, Kate

Niwi , antes 6 anos

Spilled is the word smile My translation wasn't very good and spilled is exactly what my dad meant, "renversé" in French.
When I was younger I used to believe, as I believed in Santa Claus as a child. But getting older I found it silly to think all these "human" stuff about some deity was right, just a santa for adult. And there were nothing to do with the abuses you are talking about, it was way before we hear about them. I like churches though. I like the mood, the way sounds reverberate, the peace. Great places for meditation.

Kate O, antes 6 anos

Vero, I had to chuckle over what your Father used to say because here the saying is; there is no use crying over spilled milk. =) I can only imagine how the people of Paris are feeling. Losing such an Iconic, Historical and truly beloved Cathedral.
You are wise to not dwell on the loss and point fingers at who, what or how the fire started. It will not bring her back and if she is restored as I said, it just isn't the same. America is not even 300 years old, so our oldest buildings can not compete with those of Europe. When I first started to travel, my friends & some family asked me why I didn't want to travel our Country first and I told them, Considering the age and history of Countries in Europe I want to see them before they are gone. America I can see later. I am so glad I was able to visit so many places in Europe, because anything can happen to those beautiful Historic buildings and I would have missed the opportunity.

My Dad was Agnostic and that didn't prevent him from appreciating all the beautiful churches and Cathedrals across Europe. At this point in my life, I consider myself to be Spiritual, not Religious !! I was born & raised a Catholic, but my trust in the Church was shattered when all the stories about the abuse by priests and the subsequent cover up. I could not attend mass without wondering if the priest was an abuser too. For the church to "just" move them from one parish to another was disgusting, criminal and so wrong on so many levels.

Hugs Sweet Vero !! xoxo

Niwi , antes 6 anos

Thank you sweetie. Many of us are feeling the same. To me - an agnostic person - Notre Dame is a part of our History and a surviver. When a child, learning the Middle Age, I was told it could take a hundred years to built one cathedral and I was totally amazed. Today, more than everything else, I'm thinking of all these people who worked hard to raise it out off the ground, sometimes generation after generation. The wooden framework under the roof was some kind of miracle and I know how careful was those people in charge of the maintenance, not using any metallic tool that could produce sparkles etc.
I don't know how or why it happened, but at this very point I really don't care. Indeed. It happened, that's all. It's another loss. As my father used to say, there is no use to cry over poured milk...
Hugs ! xoxo

Kate O, antes 6 anos

Hugs & Thanks Sweet Friends !!
HalfMoonRun ~ I honestly couldn't come up with the appropriate words about how I feel . To lose such a Beautiful and Historic Cathedral broke my heart !! I feel blessed that I was able to visit Notre Dame.
Niwi ~ When it was first announced that Notre Dame was on fire I worried about the tourist and possibly being trapped inside. Then the reports came that it was after visiting hours and I was relieved, but still so shocked. Vero, I couldn't bring myself to watch the videos taken by tourist and the News Media of the fire. Even if it can be rebuilt the stigma is still there and it isn't the real Notre Dame. Seems like France has been targeted by hateful humans, Mother Nature and now inadequate safety measures. The latter is still under debate whether it was totally human error or a combination of that and weather conditions, etc.. It doesn't matter who, what or why.... Notre Dame Cathedral has been damaged and it will never be the same !!
Sending my Love and Prayers your way Vero !! I am so very sorry and truly heartbroken !! :(

neverorever , antes 6 anos

So beautiful heart

HalfMoonRun, antes 6 anos

chic and timeless styling. your words about the serious damage to the cathedral are, as always, touching, full of kindness and humanity ♥

Niwi , antes 6 anos

Beautiful Kate xoxoxo
I've been sad beyond words, the old building has passed through so many terrible things and centuries, it is a precious witness of History, it's a pity. By chance there were no human victims.

Kate O, antes 6 anos

Thanks ever so much My Sweet Friends !! It is a sad time for the people of France and those who visit her Beautiful City of Lights !! I will treasure my memories and Photos of Notre Dame.

Incogneato, antes 6 anos

Amen. Such a sorrow for France and the whole world! Yellow is always optimistic! ❤️

Nanni33, antes 6 anos


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