Blessings at Easter

da colecção Spring/Summer 2020Primavera, antes 5 anos
de Kate O
Blessings at Easter - combinação de moda
09 APR 2020 ~ Faith, Love and Family will get us through this difficult time and even though the majority of us will not gather together for worship and fellowship we can be together in spirit and remembrance of what Easter is all about.

Blessed Be !!

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Comentários (14)


Kate O, antes 5 anos

Hugs & Thanks Vero !! This years celebration will be very quiet !

Niwi , antes 5 anos

This dress is so beautiful. It is simple but really awesome. Lovely set. I wish happy celebration to you and to all our friends who celebrate Easter, within these very special times and situation. ♥

Kate O, antes 5 anos

Thank You Sweet Friends !!

BeBeauty, antes 5 anos

so very lovely ♥ ♥

beautifulplace, antes 5 anos

This is so adorable & sweet my dear! Perfectly done! Happy Easter to you and your loved ones ♥♥♥

Kate O, antes 5 anos

Hugs & Thanks !! Have a wonderful Easter too !!

Renita , antes 5 anos

So sweet, happy Easter to you!

Kate O, antes 5 anos

The Easter Bunny says, Thank You as do I !! Hugs everyone !!
Marina Dusanic
Michelle858 ~ heart
dgia ~ Yes we Will !! heart

HalfMoonRun, antes 5 anos

Softly, delicately feminine. Charming set.

Marina Dusanic, antes 5 anos

neverorever , antes 5 anos

So Beautiful and romantic dear Katesmileheart

Michelle858, antes 5 anos

The background is so pretty and you know I love that little bunny !
Such a pretty, simple dress with an awesome cropped jacket - the perfect pairing !

Gianoula , antes 5 anos

So dreamful and full of hope! heart *_*

dgia, antes 5 anos

Marvelous set!!!!-We will win!

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