I saw the Moon. . .

iz kolekcije Autumn/Winter 2018Jesen, pre 6 godine
od Kate O
I saw the Moon. . . - Modna kombinacija
18 NOV 2018 . . . and the Moon saw me !!
Dedicated to Vero, who Loves the Moon !!
@Niwi ~ Hugs !!

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Komentari (16)



Kate O, pre 6 godine

Thanks !!

haikuandkysses, pre 6 godine

Gorgeousness! xoxo

Kate O, pre 6 godine

Thank You so much !!

HalfMoonRun, pre 6 godine

Beautiful styling, great colours and very pretty set ♥

Kate O, pre 6 godine

Thanks Hon !!

beautifulplace, pre 6 godine

Absolutely beautiful ❤️

Kate O, pre 6 godine

Michelle858 ~ Thank You Michelle !! My Aunt is 87 and Uncle is 90, so re-building in Paradise isn't what they want. After things settle down they may decide to move permanently to Chico. Right now they are in a rental in Orland because there was nothing to rent in Chico because of the influx of evacuees !! Apt. & houses got snapped up quickly !! Hugs for your Kindness & Compassion !!

Michelle858, pre 6 godine

Kate O
((((Hugs))) to you. I am saddened by the loss of your relatives properties. I pray that starting over will be very smooth for them.

Kate O, pre 6 godine

Niwi ~ Our Ms. Moon doesn't let a little smoke stop her from shining !! Sometimes she is a bit hazy, but, you know she is there !! Take care my Sweet Friend !! xoxo !!

Kate O, pre 6 godine

Thanks so much my Friends !!
Michelle858 ~ the smoke was really bad last night, but, today thankfully it is fairly clear. Quite e few school districts didn't have classes last Friday. Can you imagine driving through a tunnel of fire trying to escape !! That is what happened to my Aunt & Uncle who lived in Paradise and lost everything !! My cousin also lost his home, but he was on the outskirt of town and his escape route was easier.
I have been staying inside and only go out if I have too !! Thank You for asking if I am ok !! Hugs !!

Michelle858, pre 6 godine

Kate O
Friend texted me a photo of the sky in Sac - wow ! Hope you are doing okay heart

elenaviola, pre 6 godine

Fabulous, very elegant look!

Niwi , pre 6 godine

I've seen her ! She's roaming aroung the study this week hehe! ... and she's got a message for you !
Hope you the smokes let you see her xoxo

mararivel, pre 6 godine


Niwi , pre 6 godine

Beautiful! Very elegant! Thank you Kate smile xoxo
I hope so too, I'll be watching ! It's 5pm here and night will be there soon.

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