Coffee Anyone ??

iz kolekcije Autumn/Winter 2020Svakodnevno, pre 4 godine
od Kate O
Coffee Anyone ?? - Modna kombinacija
29 SEP 2020 ~ today is your day if you are a Coffee Lover !!
How do you take your coffee ?? Mine is fully loaded, otherwise I won't drink it !!

Have a great Cup of Joe ( *wink* ) today !!

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Komentari (18)


Kate O, pre 4 godine

HalfMoonRun ~ Hugs & Thanks Sweeties !!

HalfMoonRun, pre 4 godine

Such a great styling (love the colours) and beautiful set. Love it.

Kate O, pre 4 godine

Niwi ~ Big Hugs Sweetie !! Obviously we aren't that different !! xoxo

Niwi , pre 4 godine

Thank you for the update sweetie !
I think we also have something to "celebrate" everyday too. I don't pay attention but I often hear on the 1st news in the morning "today is the day of..." ;-)

Kate O, pre 4 godine

Thanks Bunches Sweet Friends !!

Danijela , pre 4 godine

fantastic ❤️

BeBeauty, pre 4 godine

great set, even if I don't like coffee smile

justmetwo, pre 4 godine

Fabulous outfit & set,yes you have to have that coffee ♥

Kate O, pre 4 godine

Thanks Deb !!

Doozer , pre 4 godine


Kate O, pre 4 godine

@jackie ~ Thanks Hon !!

jackie , pre 4 godine

Oh I love this! I like strong black coffee, the fully loaded stuff!! Great set!!

Kate O, pre 4 godine

Thanks Sweetie !!

MarinaSyd, pre 4 godine

Really perfect autumn set!!!)

Kate O, pre 4 godine

Thanks so much Sweet Friends !!
peewee PV
Niwi ~ Here in America I think we have a “National Day “ for everything !! LOL !! I didn’t know it was coffee day until I was on a website I access daily. This site is for awareness of world wide causes, such as: Breast Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Hunger, Autism, Animals, etc. The public can click on which ever site or cause they want to support and the click is matched by Organizations and Corporations who support them. It’s free and I like to read about people who have found and adopted pets, especially ! I have been clicking for over 20 years now !! It’s an automatic thing I do every morning !! Hugs Vero !!

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