So Tiresome . . .

iz kolekcije Spring/Summer 2018Umjetnost, pre 6 godine
od Kate O
So Tiresome . . . - Modna kombinacija
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Komentari (24)


Kate O, pre 6 godine

@Rboowybe ~ Thank You Dear !!

Rhana , pre 6 godine

@Ellen Norton @Beverly @Kate O @Pam That is typical Liberal, tell you "Everyone can have an opinion, but if you don't like it don't say anything!"

Kate O, pre 6 godine

Appreciate the Support Friends !! I will continue to create sets that express my thoughts and feelings !! For those who take offense ... just walk on by !!
@haikuandkysses ~ Thanks Sweetie !!

@Niwi ~ Hugs my Dear Friend !! ;D

Niwi , pre 6 godine

I already read these comments before posting mine Kate. I just decided to pass over them because I'm like Pam and I'm not here to tell some members they should or they shouldn't post this or create that. And I love you too Pam ! ^^

haikuandkysses, pre 6 godine

A Prime example of "You Can't Please Everyone" all of the time! I think great art makes people think ... and talk ... and converse ... even if they don't agree with it! Kudos to you Kate for getting people talking! smile

Kate O, pre 6 godine

Thank You Pam !! I totally agree that more controversy is stirred up by their negative comments!! Just ignore the set !! And get a Life !!
I doubt either ladies will see your message, they tend to use the "Drive By" and then Hide method !! The only way Ellen or Bev will know how you feel is to message them personally. Whether you choose to do that is your choice.
I will continue to create Art sets and only when or if the WebMaster says no more will I quit !! How ever, none of my sets violate the First Amendment.
Thank You again Pam !!
Kate O

Pam , pre 6 godine

I like the set! I don't think it's overly political and we all have a right to create what we want. We all have a right to look, fave or comment or not! Use your rights. If you don't like it, don't look. I think more controversy is stirred by commenting about how you don't like it. Sigh.

Ellen, I still love you, even though we are on polar opposites of the political wheel... there is no animosity between us, on my end, anyway... but truly, if you don't like it, just move past it. There will be a day that I will have a political set because some days that's where my creative mind goes and I just have to. It's not done from spite or my desire to "destroy" (??????) the country, wherever THAT came from, but more of my will to stand up for what I believe. I don't expect everyone to like it or even understand and trust me, I will never like or comment on any trumpish sets but I would never discourage anyone to create whatever they choose.
** end of preaching =O

Kate O, pre 6 godine

Thanks so Much Vero !!
@Niwi ~ if you can read the messages from Ellen Hilary-Norton and Bev Blackburn you will see that have once again taken offense to my Art !! =D

Niwi , pre 6 godine

Great one Kate, so allegorical smile

Kate O, pre 6 godine

@Beverly Blackburn
@Ellen Norton aka Hilart

Beverly , pre 6 godine

I agree with Ellen. It is a shame that we have to use our creativity in such a negative way. I truly believe that America is great. It is only the people who want to destroy or have negative feelings.

Ellen Norton, pre 6 godine

Sad, because I feel that putting out negative political sets takes away from the enjoyment of creating on a site like this and stirs up animosities between friends.

Kate O, pre 6 godine

Thanks Hon !!

svijetlana2, pre 6 godine


Kate O, pre 6 godine

Thanks Gals !!

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