Christmas shopping. . .

коллекция Autumn/Winter 2019Рождество, до 5 года
от Kate O
Christmas shopping. . .- Модное сочетание
07 DEC 2019 ~ I always shop just after the store opens, less crowds and the employees are rested and nicer.

Have a wonderful Sunday !!

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Комментарии (21)


Kate O, до 5 года

Doozer ~ Thanks Deb !! For some reason it didn’t come to me. It was for awhile, I checked my preferences and it was marked that I wanted it.

Doozer , до 5 года

It comes to my email. This is the link. Highlight is and hit "go to . . . "

Kate O, до 5 года

Doozer ~ Thanks Deb !! I haven't seen it yet !!!

Doozer , до 5 года

Congratulations on being featured in the trendMe newsletter!! XXO

Kate O, до 5 года

Niwi ~ I know that you will enjoy Christmas whether you decorate your home or not !! I am glad my Christmas set makes you happy !!
Hugs Sweetie !!

Niwi , до 5 года

Don't be sorry sweetie I'm ok ;-) If I don't feel like setting my house for the season with beautiful ornaments, I enjoy and appreciate your lovely sets, and knowing Christmas makes you happy makes me happy ;-) xoxo

Kate O, до 5 года

Thanks Vero !! Monday morning I went shopping for the annual Christmas ornaments at the Hallmark store and I was the first one there at 9am. I tend to spend a lot of time picking out the ornaments and the special Christmas cards, so by the time I was ready to check out the store was getting busy !! The parking lot was full and there were people waiting for my spot. I had to smile because I was done shopping and it was only a little after 10am. Of course it does help not having to work and then go shopping afterwards or on the weekend.
Did that for years and now I’m free to go shopping when ever I want.
I’m sorry this time of year is a downer for you. Hugs !!

Niwi , до 5 года

Ah! Christmas shopping... my yearly nightmare ;-)
It's very nice Kate, casual and elegant as well. And I love the warm colors smile
Hugs! xoxo

Kate O, до 5 года

Thanks Sweet Friends !!

HalfMoonRun, до 5 года

Very beautiful classic styling. So pretty set and colours.

Kate O, до 5 года

Thanks Sweetie !!

elenaviola, до 5 года

Gorgeous outfit! I would wear it! Have an excellent shopping!

Kate O, до 5 года

Big Hugs to You my Wonderful Friends !!

Doozer , до 5 года

This is wonderful Sweetie!! XXO

cilita , до 5 года

Outstanding !

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