Evergreen Trees

коллекция Autumn/Winter 2019Рождество, до 5 года
от Kate O
Evergreen Trees - Модное сочетание
08 DEC 2019 ~ No matter what is chosen; Tall, short, full, slim, all evergreen trees are beautiful with or without decorations !! My Favorites are the Silver Tip and the Blue Spruce and it must be at least 7ft tall to accommodate all my ornaments !! =D

Enjoy today !!

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Kate O, до 5 года

Thanks Sweetie !!
Lala True

Niwi ~ Sweet Vero !! Thanks so much !! My Christmas tree is decorated with all my favorite ornaments and with love ! xoxo

Lala True , до 5 года


Niwi , до 5 года

Hehe ! I'm sure your tree is awesome ! smile
These are really lovely too and I love this cocooning mood.
Hugs sweetie ! xo

Kate O, до 5 года

Hugs & Thanks !!

beautifulplace, до 5 года

Very pretty & comfy, sweetie!!!heart

Kate O, до 5 года

Hugs Sweet Friends !!

HalfMoonRun, до 5 года

Pretty comfort styling and very charming set.

Kate O, до 5 года

Thanks for the nice comments !!
Michelle858 ~ sounds wonderful and I am sure your tree is gorgeous ! Mine went up the Day after Thanksgiving with all my Hallmark and travel ornaments, plus the ones given to me over the years. Every year I buy a dated ornament and this year the Frosty Fun Decade series is complete. On to another series from Hallmark, but will have to wait until next year for the new series to be revealed. I have been collecting Hallmark ornaments since 1973, which is the first year they were offered. I should have bought stock, but I didn’t see how lucrative it would become. Oh Well !!
neverorever ~ xoxo
@lemo ~ heart
Nanni33 ~ heart heart

Michelle858, до 5 года

Gorgeous trees in this set, Kate. We got our tree the day before Thanksgiving. It is a beauty, too. Smells fabulous and each ornament seems to have a sweet memory behind it. Our;s is just 6 feet, though. Love to you, dear girl smile

neverorever , до 5 года

PHENOMENAL !!!!!heart

lemo, до 5 года

superb..thanks for congratulations

Nanni33, до 5 года


Kate O, до 5 года

Hugs Sweetie !!

beleev , до 5 года

BRAVO !!!!

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