Celebrating 48 years of marriage!

коллекция Autumn/Winter 2020 , до 5 года
от Renita
Celebrating 48 years of marriage!- Модное сочетание
My husband and I started dating in high school in 1967 and married in 1972. We have two kids and three grandkids and lots of love!

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Комментарии (14)



Renita , до 5 года

Thanks sweeties! MarinaSyd Danijela

Danijela , до 5 года

perfect ♥

MarinaSyd, до 5 года


dgia, до 5 года

Thank you!!!!

Renita , до 5 года

Thank you for your sweet wishes! HalfMoonRun lemo justmetwo Michelle858 @beautifulplace BeBeauty peewee PV
and happy anniversary to you as well dgia

peewee PV, до 5 года


dgia, до 5 года

Congrats,stay happy for ever!(We celebrate our 25 years in 2 months...)

BeBeauty, до 5 года

I wish you many more happy years together ♥ ♥ ♥
Happy Anniversary ♥

beautifulplace, до 5 года

Gorgeous styling, love those pants!! Happy Anniversary : ) heart

Michelle858, до 5 года

Happy Anniversary - that is so fabulous. Wishing you continued blessings and adventure ! : )
This is such a wonderful outfit ! I love everything in it heart

justmetwo, до 5 года

Fabulous.Happy Anniversary to you both ♥♥

lemo, до 5 года

wow, so elegantheartheartheartheartheart

lemo, до 5 года

wow, so elegantheartheartheartheartheart

HalfMoonRun, до 5 года

Elegantly alluring styling. Fabulous rich colours. Splendid set. Love your love story with the young man who will become your husband, and love your different love stories with your children and grandchildren. From all of us, HAPPY 48 YEARS OF MARRIAGE to you, dear Renita and to your husband! And lots of love for at least 48 other years.

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