Getting Colder

коллекция Autumn/Winter 2020Осень, Конкурс 'Autumn Breeze', до 4 года
от Kate O
Getting Colder  - Модное сочетание
10 NOV 2020 ~ Temps expected in the 30's tonight !! How long this Cold Snap will last is uncertain !! I just might add another Blanket tonight !!

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Комментарии (24)


Kate O, до 4 года

neverorever ~ Thanks Sweetie !!

neverorever , до 4 года


Niwi , до 4 года

Hugs Kate !

Kate O, до 4 года

Oh my !! It must have been really foggy !! I'll take rain over Fog any day !! I don't remember any time with my Dad in the Fog, snow, that's another story !!! LOL !!

Niwi , до 4 года

Hehe ! I remember a foggy evening when I was a child. We all were in the car, dad driving, mum on his side, and Juliet and I on the back seat. The fog was so dense that I asked my dad to stop the car. I wanted to go down it and walk ahead from the car, so my dad could drive slowly (and safely) behind me smile I don't remember how old I was but I was rather young as Juliet was still living with us. And it was such a big fog !

Kate O, до 4 года

Hugs and Thanks Sweet Friends !!

HalfMoonRun, до 4 года

Great styling. Wonderful colours and breathtaking set.

Kate O, до 4 года

Not sure how long the chilly weather will be around, but, I Love it !! I like Mist versus Fog and we get both, but, dense Fog is more common. I remember well the those moments of intense fear when driving in Fog.
One time I was coming back from visiting my parents in Redding and it was Night in the Dense Fog when a car blew past me definitely going way over the speed limit !! I expected to see a wreck , but, Thankfully never did !! I shake my head and think what dangerous Idiots there is in this world. Now I just have to stay clear of the little old men & women still behind the wheel !! LOL !! Hugs Vero and have a great day !!

Niwi , до 4 года

We woke up in the mist today, and I like it smile
Beautiful combination between autumn and winter, perfect match of colors.
Hugs sweetie xoxo

Kate O, до 4 года

Thanks Bunches Sweet Friends !!

Renita , до 4 года

such a wonderful and classy look!

MarinaSyd, до 4 года

100% love this!!

countrycuz, до 4 года


Kate O, до 4 года

Welcome Sweetie !! and Thanks for the nice comment !!

lemo, до 4 года

superbheartheartheartheartheart,thank you very much my dear Katefor congratulations GREETINGS!

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