
коллекция Autumn/Winter 2024/2025Зима, до 2 месяцев
от Hazi
Temperley- Модное сочетание
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Комментарии (39)



BeBeauty, до 2 месяцев

congrats on your feature in the TrendMe newsletter ♥

jacksondobe, до 2 месяцев

Congratulations on being featured in the Newsletter this week!! heart

lastchance , до 2 месяцев

Congrats on your feature in the newsletter :D

Hazi, до 2 месяцев

Gaja11 Doozer
Lumi21 Anne Irene
Márta Tugyi many thanks heart

Márta Tugyi, до 2 месяцев

Congratulations on being featured in the Best of TrendMe newsletter this week!

Anne Irene , до 2 месяцев

Congratulations on your feature in the Newsletter ❤️

Lumi21 , до 2 месяцев

Congrats on being featured in the Best of TrendMe newsletter this week!

Doozer , до 2 месяцев

Congrats for being in the newsletter Sweetie! XXO

Gaja11 , до 2 месяцев

Congrats on being featured in the Best of TrendMe newsletter this week

Hazi, до 2 месяцев

Thank you Goya heart

Goya, до 2 месяцев

pretty look
belated congratulations

Hazi, до 2 месяцев

Thanks so much HalfMoonRun heart

HalfMoonRun, до 2 месяцев

Great style and another wonderful set. I love your creativity and you sets which combines fashion & art. ❤︎

Hazi, до 2 месяцев

kari ch BeBeauty
thanks so much heart

BeBeauty, до 2 месяцев

congrats smile

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chloe bag - Почтовая cумки -
Куртки и пальто
jacket - Куртки и пальто -
сапоги - Сопоги -

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f4098412ea0b7e58221eee9c - Иллюстрации -
Text - Тексты -
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