Bonheur Tranquille

коллекция by Lili MarieДизайн интерьера, до 3 года
от HalfMoonRun
Bonheur Tranquille- Модное сочетание
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Комментарии (14)


Anne Irene , до 3 года

Very beautiful !!!!! ❤️

HalfMoonRun, до 3 года

теплые приветствия от всех нас Let it be

Let it be , до 3 года

Всем привет

sandra , до 3 года


Renita , до 3 года

So relaxing and lovely!

herasdarne, до 3 года


Gaja11 , до 3 года

Gorgeous! Have a nice, good time dear ❤️

lemo, до 3 года

chic heartheartheartthank you very much for congratulations"I WISH YOU A NICE WEEK"

BeBeauty, до 3 года

love it ♥

JelNik, до 3 года

Enjoy your life, dear Lili Marie!

Evgeniya7, до 3 года

❤️ ́ It's very beautiful dear! Such a busy life is a dream! I am very happy for you! ❤️
HalfMoonRun ❤️

HalfMoonRun, до 3 года

It was just a little return on trendMe.
My studies (at a higher level) are demanding but so far I'm succeeding and I intend that be that way until the end.
And I need time with my family, my (first) boyfriend, my two other best friends and also time to continue to be active (ballet, European football ...) and to play piano.
So, I will be unplugged for a while. For sure I will be back, even if it's just for a few sets, because I truly like being among you and being inspired by your creativity. ❤︎ Lili Marie

justmetwo, до 3 года

So very charming ♥ good luck with every thing ♥

KateGWest, до 3 года

So Serene - love, love, love!

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