
коллекция by Lili MarieНовый год, Конкурс 'New Year, New Style: January Wardrobe Revival!', до 1 года
от HalfMoonRun
Peut-Être- Модное сочетание
I have always lived my life in jeans with a t-shirt or a shirt / blouse, my feet in Converse or Vans or Dr. Martens, my long hair often left "as is" but sometimes braided or with a ponytail, and without makeup except lipstick. So, in 2024 maybe I should try wearing something like that. Maybe.

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Комментарии (50)


VeneziaDea , до 1 года

Very pretty. Congratulations.

HalfMoonRun, до 1 года

Oh Sandra sandra how sweet you are! Thank you very much for you kind words and your trust in me about the other clothing choices I might make. Also thanks for having liked my set. ❤︎

sandra , до 1 года

outstanding and yes go for it, you can always go back to what you know if you don't like it. So it is no lose situation. Besides you have good taste, so I have every faith in you smile HalfMoonRun

herasdarne, до 1 года

Congratulations, it's never too late to try a new style!! It's beautiful!

Márta Tugyi, до 1 года

Congratulations on being featured in the Best of TrendMe newsletter this week!

jacksondobe, до 1 года

Beautiful my dear!! Congratulations for being featured in this week's Newsletter!!

Gaja11 , до 1 года

Amazing set and style, I think you're going to be fine ❤︎
belated Congratulations on your trendMe Set of the Day and on the best set of this week ❤︎

Evgeniya7, до 1 года

Congratulations on the best set of this week! ❤

Lumi21 , до 1 года

Congrats for being in the Best of TrendMe this week! Beautiful set!

Doozer , до 1 года

Congrats for being in the Best of TrendMe this week Sweetie!! XXO

Danijela , до 1 года

Congratulations for being featured in this week's Newsletter❤️

Goya, до 1 года

it's so pretty
congrats (belated)

Renita , до 1 года

Congratulations! So feminine and lovelyheart

Doozer , до 1 года

This is so lovely Sweetie, congrats!! XXO

BeBeauty, до 1 года

congratulations dear ♥

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от HalfMoonRun

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