so this is goodbye

коллекция CasualЕжедневно, до 6 года
от peewee PV
so this is goodbye- Модное сочетание
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Комментарии (11)


beautifulplace, до 6 года

Yay!! Thank you webmaster trendMe!!
I'm happy that you won't leave ❤️

peewee PV, до 6 года

webmaster trendMe thank you so much. I would have hated to leave the site that is so important to me.

beleev , до 6 года

Thanks for your quick response webmaster trendMe !!

webmaster trendMe, до 6 года

And as promised, here it is
peewee PV beleev Michelle858 beautifulplace

webmaster trendMe, до 6 года

peewee PV its not gone...we are just in little redesign so all features are avaible on all devices. Manual upload from PC will be available very shortly.

Michelle858, до 6 года

Please , my dear lil Pee Wee, private message me and let me know which website you are changing to. Although it will be hard for me, I will need to leave too as I spend some time on trend me but do not have time to figure out the new uploading of items and also want to use my own items mostly. I love everyone here and hate to go, but the change is not a good change. Anyone else who is leaving, please private message me and tell me what sites you're all going to so we can continue our interactions and inspirations smile Love ya all Michelle

beleev , до 6 года

Why did it change ????? Why is it more difficult for us now ????
We love your Sets Dear peewee PV

beleev , до 6 года

I am having the same problem...Why ?????? Please bring our Uploading back to how it was......webmaster trendMe

Kate O, до 6 года

Oh No !! I will certainly miss You !! You are such an inspiration and one of my most supportive Friends !! Take care Sweetie !!

beautifulplace, до 6 года

Why is it disappeared??
I will really miss you here, sweetie :(

Maybe they can bring this feature back? webmaster trendMe

beleev , до 6 года


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