keystone species 28: golden eagles

коллекция keystone speciesЗима, Конкурс 'WINTER WONDERLAND', до 1 года
от sandra
keystone species 28: golden eagles- Модное сочетание
I know there is a lot of talk about bald eagles, but the golden eagles are powerhouses in their own right. You find them in N-America, North/South/Eastern Europe, Northern Africa and almost all of Asia.

They don't nest in some of the Northern countries though(chilly and all), but they have a presence some time of the year.

They are avian hunters and keep small herbivores from damaging farmlands and the population in check.

Their natural homes are grasslands and tundra

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Goya, до 1 года

love it

Márta Tugyi, до 1 года

Great design!

KateGWest, до 1 года

This is so well done - love it all!

HalfMoonRun, до 1 года

Splendid warm and timeless styling with its wonderful colours. Another marvelously designed set (with such interesting information about the majestic golden eagle which serves the earth and, consequently, its humanity.) ❤︎

siriusfun, до 1 года

Beautiful colors, outfit and set!! Love the information about Golden Eagles too!!

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