Get Well Soon Mom!

коллекция Spring/Summer 2018Искусство, до 7 года
от Bev Martin
Get Well Soon Mom!- Модное сочетание
My mom had surgery early this morning. Part of her intestine died due to adhesions and the doctor had to remove that section. She will be in the ICU for at least one to two more days so that she can be monitored.

#art #artset #artexpression #mom #summer

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Комментарии (18)


Bev Martin, до 7 года

Thank you both so very much! She is improving everyday since she had surgery last week!

blucinzia , до 7 года

I wish you much strength and wish you mom all the best,hopefuly she is better soon .. i light a candle for her and make a prayer also much strength XX

haikuandkysses, до 7 года

Sending Prayers for your Mom! heart Hope she feels better soon! xoxo

Bev Martin, до 7 года

Thanks so much LOUISEVEGASGIRL - I live about 20 minutes from where she lives and the hospital is just a couple of blocks from there. I spent a lot of time with her on Tuesday and Wednesday and was able to squeeze in 40 minutes with her yesterday. I had a doctor's appointment and I bowl on Thursday nights. She was doing really well as of yesterday but one of my sister's told me that she pulled a lot of her plugs out since they did not restrain her once they put her in a regular room out of ICU (they had to put mild restraints on her hands so she would not pull any vital plugs or take the tube running through her nose down to where they did surgery out). She has been heavily medicated and she has not been herself.


Beautiful set for mom hope she is healing that sounds like quite an operation for an older person glad she is doing well.Are you able to go see her/ OR DON'T YOU LIVE NEAR HER? I was very close to my mom also and thank you GOD i was able to get to her the minute she needed me...Prayers for your mom

Bev Martin, до 7 года

Thank you all so very much! My mom is doing better now that she has had surgery and is getting better with each new day. It will take a while for a full recovery but I'm just blessed that she is still with us!

vespagirl, до 7 года

Hoping your mom is feeling better soon! Beautiful set for her.

Michelle858, до 7 года

@Bev Martin - I'm lifting up prayers for your mom and her comfort as she heals (((Hugs))) smile

peewee PV, до 7 года

Beautiful set and hope she gets well soon.

beleev , до 7 года

So Lovely Bev.... Your mom is in my thoughts and prayers .....may she recover and feel better soon ❤️❤️❤️

thenycbaglady, до 7 года

Lovely set, nothing like a Mother's love.

Nads , до 7 года

Beautiful set! So glad to hear that your Mom is doing well! Hugs!XOXO

HalfMoonRun, до 7 года

Absolutely charming set, @Bev Martin.
Your mother is the thoughts of each us for a very good and quick recovery.
Sending LOVE to your mother and you ♥

Bev Martin, до 7 года

shortyluv718 - Thanks so much! She is one the mend now that she has had surgery.

shortyluv718, до 7 года

Beautiful set for your mom. Hope she gets better soon and full recovery.

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