Photo Shoot in NYC

коллекция Spring/Summer 2019Весна, до 6 года
от Kate O
Photo Shoot in NYC - Модное сочетание
20 MAR 2019 ~ My daughter Rachel will be representing Sacramento Magazine for a Photo shoot at the James Beard House in April. Two of her Clients, The Grange and Bacon & Butter have received letters regarding a potential Michelin star !!
A first for Sacramento, her Clients & going to NYC !!

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haikuandkysses, до 6 года


Niwi , до 6 года

;-) xoxo

Kate O, до 6 года

Hugs & Thanks Vero on your compliment and comment on my set and for Rachel.
No matter what happens with the Michelin Star, it is a win for everyone !! This has put Sacramento on the restaurant map and solidifies Rachel's standing in the Photography Community. She has worked hard and sacrificed for her passion.
Yes, I am a very proud Mom and she know that !! xoxo

Niwi , до 6 года

Beautiful combo and display Kate ! Congratulations to Rachel, you proud Mom smile Congrats to her two customers too!

Kate O, до 6 года

Thanks Deb, for the Congrats to Rachel. I will pass it on !! Hugs !!

Doozer , до 6 года

Fabulous Sweetie!! Congrats to Rachel! XXO

Kate O, до 6 года

Awww, Thank You Sweet Friends !! Rachel will be tickled by your Congrats !!
dgia ~ Hugs Sweetie !!
beautifulplace ~ xo !!
Misshonee ~ heart
Michelle858 ~ it is her passion and I am so proud of her and what she has achieved. Restaurant business is so fickle, but, she teamed up with Rodney Blackwell (media expert) about 6 years ago and they have a solid group of clients.
She has definitely paid her dues !! =D

dgia, до 6 года

Wonderful!Congrats to your daughter!
Youn made a pretty set,as always! smile

Michelle858, до 6 года

Great outfit ! I am SO HAPPY for your daughter ! How exciting and wonderful ! It's also a good time to come to NYC, too - I think the snow is finished and the weather shall be wonderful (if she comes when it's not raining) for her visit. Even when it rains there's a romantic air about it. So excited about her work and achievements, Kate ! It's always great to have a wonderful career which one loves. Just let her know that New Yorkers are indeed friendly (((Hugs))) heart

Misshonee, до 6 года

Magnificent Set!❤❤❤

beautifulplace, до 6 года

Wow, so beautifully done!! Congratulations to your daughter!❤️

Kate O, до 6 года

Nanni33 ~ Thanks Sweetie !!

Nanni33, до 6 года


Kate O, до 6 года

Thanks Joyce !! She called me so excited !! She has never been to NYC or the East Coast. Apparently this will be a 4 page spread in the Magazine which will garner big bucks, but, she was most excited about being in the James Beard House & seeing NYC !!! The Head Chef at The Grange Restaurant is going to be there but is flying in early, while Rachel is flying in on Wednesday the 3rd and staying until Saturday the 6th. She wants to see some sights of course !! The Munchkins will stay with their Dad.
Again, Thanks for the nice comment !! Hugs !!

Incogneato, до 6 года

Amazing news, congratulation to your daughter! Very lovely set!!

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