The Village of Montmartre

коллекция Spring/Summer 2019Путешествие, до 6 года
от Kate O
The Village of Montmartre  - Модное сочетание
16 JUL 2019 ~ the Montmartre Arrondissement is in the heart of Paris, however, the feel is one of a small village set apart from the hustle and bustle of a large Metropolitan City.

~ Thinking of You, Vero !! ~

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Kate O, до 6 года

Yes, the dress is quite lovely & unique !! Thanks !!
peewee PV

peewee PV, до 6 года

fantastic dress. Love the quote and the design is awesome!

Kate O, до 6 года

Hey There !! I just sent a PM !! I agree the sketch is awesome !! Hugs !!

Incogneato, до 6 года

It’s a fabulous sketch and a wonderful stylish gift for Vero. We have seen some quite spectacular moons of late during which I think of my friends!

Kate O, до 6 года

Niwi ~ Great minds think alike !! Would love to see your creation using the sketch and the the dress !! Hugs !! I am waiting for Ms. Moon too !! xoxo !!

Thank You for the info on Montmartre !! It's always nice to hear it from a native !!
I would love to walk the village !! xoxo !!

Kate O, до 6 года

Hugs & Thanks Lovely Ladies !!
Natalia Wajer

Michelle858, до 6 года

Such an awesome and unique dress. I love it heart

Niwi , до 6 года

Thank you Kate! I'm thinking of you too (watching for the Moon) ;D

Parisian people still talk about Montmartre as the "village of Montmartre" or "la Butte" (the mound). Streets are so narrow that standard buses cannot drive there. There is a small bus especially for le village. There also is a wineyard and a harvest every year. the "Clos Montmartre" is not the best wine ever, but very famous.
This is a very lovely set Kate! The funny thing is that I have saved this Montmartre sketch in my collections this afternoon, and I have a draft with this dress that I used like an abstract background almost ready to be published ;-)
Hugs! xoxo

Natalia Wajer, до 6 года

Gorgeous set!

HalfMoonRun, до 6 года

Very charming and feminine styling. Beautiful set.

neverorever , до 6 года

Brilliant sweetie smile Love everything heart

Kate O, до 6 года

Niwi ~ pour vous mon Amie !! Hugs !!

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