Watch us Roar !!

коллекция Spring/Summer 2019Работа, до 6 года
от Kate O
Watch us Roar !! - Модное сочетание
08 MAR 2019 ~ On August 26 2020 it will 100 years since women in the USA got the right to vote !!
In my opinion the mindset of the male Politicians in 1920 and todays male Politicians have not changed much. The career politicians still think a woman's place is in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant !! Sorry Dudes, we are done being Chattel and we proved that in 2019 Mid Term elections !!
We are coming for you in 4 inch heels and a power suit !! Yesssss !!!

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Комментарии (8)


haikuandkysses, до 6 года


Kate O, до 6 года

Thanks Sweetie !!

Nanni33, до 6 года

❤️****❤️ Fantastic

Kate O, до 6 года

Hugs & Thanks my Sweet Friends !! It is finally our time to shine, kick butts and then take names !!
Michelle858 ~ =D
Incogneato ~ we women have slowly ( 99 years) infiltrated the "Men's Club" and they were not happy about it, today, we are done knocking on the door !! We Knocked it down and walked right in !!
@Niwi ~ That is interesting and sad. 1944 is the year my sister was born !! I am very thankful that I wasn't born in the era when women were Chattel. I call it Genteel slavery. We were beholden to men to provide us with everything and could not own anything. Thankfully that has changed, we still have a long way to go !!
xoxo !!

Niwi , до 6 года

Hehe ! I hear you roar ! smile
Great one Kate. For your records, French women were only allowed to vote in 1944. This means that when my mother was born, French woman were not voting yet. When I think of it, it hurts.

Michelle858, до 6 года

TOP FASHION SET CONGRATULATIONS smile Amazing style and wonderful set design smile

Misshonee, до 6 года


Incogneato, до 6 года

GO KATE! Great set, and it really is time for women to have a swing at the bat!

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