I miss this !!

коллекция Spring/Summer 2020Природа, до 5 года
от Kate O
I miss this !! - Модное сочетание
21 APR 2020 ~ miss being able to walk in the woods !! For now a walk around my neighborhood all masked up is all I can manage. This too shall pass !!

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Kate O, до 5 года

dgia ~ Thanks Sweetie !! I am confident we will be able to commune with Nature in the near future !! Things will never be the same, but, Nature is programmed to heal itself and as long as we cease abusing it, a walk in the woods will be available to us. Hugs !!

dgia, до 5 года

Gorgeous,I miss this me too but I hope we will soon do it again!

Kate O, до 5 года

Hugs & Thanks Sweet Friends !! I think those of us that are of a particular age remembers our world like the photo !! I sure do !! My family was all about the great outdoors !! I loved camping, hiking and just being outside !! Have a wonderful rest of the week !!

@Niwi ~ heartheartheart

HalfMoonRun, до 5 года

Lovely styling. Great background. (Miss this a lot too.)

Niwi , до 5 года


Kate O, до 5 года

Thanks Bunches !!
Niwi ~ I know Sweetie !! I would love to be communing with Mother Nature in a location like this one !! Would actually like to go camping !!
;) Hugs !!

Michelle858, до 5 года

Sweet outfit !
Wearable pretty clothes to move around in smile

Niwi , до 5 года

The only thing I'm actually missing smile
Love this Kate! xoxo

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