Mid autumn

iz kolekcije ArtUmetnost, pred 5 mesecev
od Sherlin
Mid autumn- Modna kombinacija
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sandra , pred 5 mesecev

Michelle858 glad to hear it. I was in a museum a while back and I saw a painting of a forest similar to this not too far from where I live. It is gone now, that was so eye opening

Sherlin, pred 5 mesecev

Thank you, dear Michelle858 !

Michelle858, pred 5 mesecev

sandra and Sherlin
This is beautiful ! There are numerous places like this in the U.S.

Sherlin, pred 5 mesecev

Let`s hope, dear!

Sherlin, pred 5 mesecev

Thank you, dear!

sandra , pred 5 mesecev

perfect, pity we have so few places like this in real life, but hey rewilding is on the way and in the meantime I'll watch this smile

BeBeauty, pred 5 mesecev

very beautiful smile

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