Wine. . . the Color or the Drink ??

iz kolekcije Autumn/Winter 2019Jesen, pred 5 leta
od Kate O
Wine. . . the Color or the Drink ??- Modna kombinacija
09 NOV 2019 ~ After a long week sometimes all you need is a glass of wine and if that's not possible, wear it !! You'll feel better either way !!
Happy Weekend !!

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Kate O, pred 5 leta

THX !!

Misshonee, pred 5 leta

Very Pretty❤

Kate O, pred 5 leta

Thanks Bunches my Dear Friends !! (Grapes of course !!)
HalfMoonRun ~ Way to go !! =D
Carmen Creation

Carmen Creation , pred 5 leta


HalfMoonRun, pred 5 leta

Beautiful classic styling and colours. Very pretty and inviting set.
Wine ... the Color or the Drink? Both, dear Kate Kate O .

Kate O, pred 5 leta

Thanks Bunches Sweet Friends !!
Goreti Jorge
Niwi ~ Yes, I know you don't drink and that is why I included the option to wear it !! Hee,hee xoxo

Goreti Jorge, pred 5 leta


Niwi , pred 5 leta

Lovely Kate ! I love the colors. You know I don't drink at all but I love the burgundy tones and the gold of some other wines.
Hugs! smile

Kate O, pred 5 leta

Thanks Deb !!

Doozer , pred 5 leta

Perfect Kate!! XXO

Kate O, pred 5 leta

Hugs & Thanks my Sweet Friends !! Have a peaceful Sunday !!
Michelle858 ~ hugs !!
beautifulplace ~ heart
neverorever ~ heartheart

Michelle858, pred 5 leta

I'm so happy to congratulate you on Top Fashion Set of the Day

beautifulplace, pred 5 leta

Such a lovely and charming set! ❤️

JelNik, pred 5 leta

Wonderful outfit! I like the colour. Superb!

KateGWest, pred 5 leta

very cool!

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