Wonder of Winter

iz kolekcije Autumn/Winter 2019Božič, pred 5 leta
od Kate O
Wonder of Winter  - Modna kombinacija
05 DEC 2019 ~ sleigh bells ring are you listening, in the lane snow is glistening !!
A beautiful sight were happy tonight, walking in a Winter Wonderland !!

Love this Christmas Carol !!

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Michelle858, pred 5 leta

The skirt and shoes are outstanding ! heart

Kate O, pred 5 leta

Hugs back to You Vero !! Thanks for the nice comment !! xoxo Niwi

Niwi , pred 5 leta

Gorgeous Christmas combo Kate ! I love everything, each item is perfect and unique ! smile
Hugs ! xo

Kate O, pred 5 leta

Thanks Sweetie !!

JelNik, pred 5 leta

Absolutely adorable!

Kate O, pred 5 leta

Thanks Bunches Sweet Friends !!

ArtFashionByRomilly , pred 5 leta

Love the mix of colours!

HalfMoonRun, pred 5 leta

Very pretty and feminine styling and colours. Charming set.

beautifulplace, pred 5 leta

Fabulous winter style, love the jacket so much!!

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