Logo Friday

iz kolekcije Autumn/Winter 2020Vsakdanje, pred 4 leta
od Kate O
Logo Friday - Modna kombinacija
29 JAN 2021 ~ Last Friday in the month the kids are allowed to wear a Logo T-Shirt to school. As long as it doesn't offend with words or images the tee is allowed and Yes, some have been banned and confiscated until the end of the school day. Pushing boundaries & rules, that's what some kids love to do !!
Ah, Youth !!

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Kate O, pred 4 leta

Thanks !!

sandra , pred 4 leta

Great styling

Michelle858, pred 4 leta

How neat of his widow smile Cool. ! Sounds like she was nice. smile
I will never tell an American what they can or cannot wear, write or say. We are supposed to have freedom, but, hmmmm. There is always a difference when it comes to inciting a riot - than people will be breaking laws. Not talking about that, talking about dictates of how to dress, walk, stand worship spiritually, have visitors or visit, conduct business, and what one should be offended by, what one should believe and putting restrictions on human beings, human nature, human thought.

Kate O, pred 4 leta

Thanks Michelle !! I can see both sides of the situation. What is just art to one person is a threat to another. I would not be offended seeing the Doors, Beatles, Swift or Perry on a shirt, But, I would be offended and somewhat threatened if I saw someone wearing a Swastika, KKK, Qanon or Proud Boys shirt. There are someplaces where that kind of advertising just isn't appropriate ! (period !) School is one of them !!
Yes, Jim Morrison was a handsome man. When I worked as an analyst with AT&T I spoke with his Widow who happened to live in S.F. area regarding services that had recently been installed. Basically I verified the order, quality of workmanship, what was ordered and what was provided. Any discrepancies was sent back to the Business Office to be rectified. Her order was correct and she gave high marks to the Rep & Tech !!

Michelle858, pred 4 leta

This is a wonderful outfit, dear Kate ! He was so handsome ! ! ! It's "nice" to know the schools are even banning and censoring people's right to dress the way they choose. Sarcasm intended . : ( Do NOT let any authority take ANY MORE of your rights away ! ! ! !

Kate O, pred 4 leta

Thanks Sweetie !!

neverorever , pred 4 leta

Super chic!

Kate O, pred 4 leta

Hugs & Thanks !!

HalfMoonRun, pred 4 leta

Pretty cool styling. Lovely colours and charming set.

Kate O, pred 4 leta

Thanks Bunches !!
peewee PV

peewee PV, pred 4 leta

maybe, but this is a very cool set

Kate O, pred 4 leta

Hugs & Thanks Sweet Friends !!
Doozer ~ heartheart
Niwi ~ Yes, I wonder what logo you might wear !! xoxo

Doozer , pred 4 leta

Super fun Kate! I love the Doors and yes, people are strange!! XXO

Niwi , pred 4 leta

Yes, they can be mischievous smile
This is a lovely tenue ! Now I'm wondering what logo I would get on my last friday of the month tee shirt hehehe... !
Hugs Kate ! xoxo

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