the love of STYLE

iz kolekcije Autumn/Winter 2020 , pred 4 leta
od KateGWest
the love of STYLE- Modna kombinacija
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Komentarji (15)


KateGWest, pred 4 leta

Enchanticals , ooooo!! you made my day! xok

Enchanticals , pred 4 leta

So glam!

KateGWest, pred 4 leta

awww thank you Renita ... xok

Renita , pred 4 leta

Stunning set dear!

KateGWest, pred 4 leta

HalfMoonRun WoW thank you for this wonderful comment! xok

HalfMoonRun, pred 4 leta

Gorgeous styling with its wonderful colours. Fabulous set.

KateGWest, pred 4 leta

beautifulplace , BeBeauty what wonderful comments, thank you both...xok

beautifulplace, pred 4 leta

Very nice, fantastic dress and beautifully designed set ❤️

BeBeauty, pred 4 leta

fab look smile

KateGWest, pred 4 leta

Hi, Sweetie - I hope you have a nice day, too..xok lemo

lemo, pred 4 leta

Good Morning!,my dear Kate,I wish you a nice day,heartheartheartheartheart

KateGWest, pred 4 leta

Good Morning! thank you for your great comments ... xok
countrycuz , Michelle858 , lemo

lemo, pred 4 leta

O.M.G .I LOVE THIS STYLE my dear Kateheartheartheartheartheart

Michelle858, pred 4 leta

How I would LOVE to wear this ! Amazing beauty heart

countrycuz, pred 4 leta

super asian look

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Artikli kombinacije (6)

Torbe z zaponko
red clutch1 - Torbe z zaponko -
shoes - Uncategorized -
shoes - Uncategorized -
used - Uncategorized -
used - Uncategorized -
used - Uncategorized -

Grafični elementi  (4)

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