Stay a while sweet winterchild and happy birthday

iz kolekcije interiorsUrejanje interijera, pred 3 leta
od sandra
Stay a while sweet winterchild and happy birthday- Modna kombinacija
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Komentarji (7)


Goya, pred 3 leta

great interior set

beautifulplace, pred 3 leta

How lovely ❤️

BeBeauty, pred 3 leta

super ♥

sandra , pred 3 leta

HalfMoonRun I know one of your birthdays, but if you all want a set let me know smile

I thought this might good a good way to bring Christmas into the music room. How do you like the acoustics? I've been fussing over those

Thank you, be forwarned though I'm nothing special.

HalfMoonRun, pred 3 leta

Dear sandra you designed a perfect room for the band.
Everything is there so that the band settles and stays for a while. Thank you for creating this warm room overlooking the Sacré-Coeur in Montmartre and for remembering the birthday of one of us. Looking forward to meeting you in Belgium one day, if of course it suits you (and it is not a joke). - LOVE

Michelle858, pred 3 leta


sandra , pred 3 leta

HalfMoonRun it's that time of year again, I hope you've had a lovely birthday. Tell me, did I get your music room right?

Sponzorirane povezave
Modni upravičenca kombinacij

Artikli kombinacije (2)

Grafični elementi  (39)

Music paper - Predmeti -
Old window - Pohištvo -
wooden floor - Pohištvo -
Items Beige - Predmeti -

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