the kids said: no, we'd never sneak in your room

iz kolekcije interiorsUrejanje interijera, pred 2 leta
od sandra
the kids said: no, we'd never sneak in your room- Modna kombinacija
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Komentarji (5)


Evgeniya7, pred 2 leta

❤️ It's very cute! ❤️

BeBeauty, pred 2 leta

fantastic interior design ♥

HalfMoonRun, pred 2 leta

sandra How funny children can be with their sweet little liars. We probably love them for that too - LOVE

sandra , pred 2 leta

HalfMoonRun they deny it and surely there is nothing that could possibly give it away LOL, you know how it goes, technically they'd never do such a thing, but then there is reality smile

HalfMoonRun, pred 2 leta

Are you sure the kids haven't sneaked into your room? Another perfectly designed room.

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