Keystone species 27: oak trees

iz kolekcije keystone speciesNarava, pred 1 leta
od sandra
Keystone species 27: oak trees- Modna kombinacija
Another favourite, the oak. There are 435 species and can be found on 5 continents and everywhere they form the backbone of the eco system. Squirrels, mule deer, woodland rats, nesting birds, salamanders, etc the oak all generously feeds or houses them.

Something worth thinking about when we think about buying new solid oak furniture

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sandra , pred 1 leta

HalfMoonRun glad you like it, and you are right, there are few trees so generous for other living creatures around them as oaks, providing we leave them to do there business instead of chopping at them

KateGWest, pred 1 leta

This is wonderful!!

HalfMoonRun, pred 1 leta

Wonderful styling and another amazing informative set
about this tree which is one of the species that ages best outdoors without any preservative treatment. ❤︎

DiscoMermaid , pred 1 leta


siriusfun, pred 1 leta

Excellent warm and cozy set!!

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