Cali Girl . . .

iz kolekcije Spring/Summer 2019Poletje, pred 6 leta
od Kate O
Cali Girl . . .- Modna kombinacija
09 JUL 2019 ~ born and bred !! I even have Blonde Hair and Blue Eyes !!

I heart California !!

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Komentarji (10)


Kate O, pred 6 leta

Thanks !!

beleev , pred 6 leta

F A N T A S T I C !!!! xoxoox

Kate O, pred 6 leta

Hee,hee !!! Thanks Vero !! heartheart

Niwi , pred 6 leta

Beautiful fashion with a mood Kate, so nice ! smile
Go Californian girl ! xoxo

Kate O, pred 6 leta

Aww, Thanks Sweetie !!

Michelle858, pred 6 leta

I am absolutely in love with this. Wish I had all the items in this set heart heart heart

Kate O, pred 6 leta

Hugs & Thanks Sweet Friends !!

HalfMoonRun, pred 6 leta

Beautifully cool styling and colours. Very pretty set, dear California girl Kate O .

Kate O, pred 6 leta

Isn't that a line from a Beach Boys Song ??? Just change we to they !! LOL !!
Hugs !!

Incogneato, pred 6 leta

Wish we all could be California girls! Great stylin’! ❤️

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