Good Morning Friday !!

iz kolekcije Spring/Summer 2019Pomlad, pred 6 leta
od Kate O
Good Morning Friday !!- Modna kombinacija
17 MAY 2019 ~ Tis Friday and the Sun should be shining !! Northern California is having some unseasonably cold and wet weather. The forecast for next week is the same !!

Hope your Friday is Sunny and Mild. Enjoy !!

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haikuandkysses, pred 6 leta


Kate O, pred 6 leta

Thanks Lovely Friends !!
Michelle858 ~ the weather guy has probably never been to San Diego !! Too Funny !! Glad you had some Sunshine. It's raining here again !!

Michelle858, pred 6 leta

Kate O ~ ~ Yes ! It was nice, sun shiney all day, I think 70* ! The local news weather guy described it as "San Diego" weather which made me crack up LOL ! heart

HalfMoonRun, pred 6 leta

very lovely styling and pretty colours. beautifully well designed set ♥

Kate O, pred 6 leta

Mother Nature is teasing me with a little sunshine and then rain 5 minutes later !!
Thanks for the nice comments !! Hoping you are in the Sunshine !!
Bev Martin

Incogneato, pred 6 leta


Niwi , pred 6 leta


Bev Martin, pred 6 leta

Totally awesome!

Michelle858, pred 6 leta

The shoes - I couldn't stop looking at them They are exquisite !heart

Kate O, pred 6 leta

Thanks Joyce !! Hugs !!

Kate O, pred 6 leta

Thanks so much Sweet Friends !!
Niwi ~ Hugs Vero !! I love Electric Blue !! I used to have a dress similar to this color and it was a head turner !! =D

Incogneato, pred 6 leta

Awesome style with color that pops!

neverorever , pred 6 leta

Stunning Set sweetie heart

Niwi , pred 6 leta

Charming pattern for the dress! And I love this electric blue for the shoes and bag.
The weather is rather cool for the season here too, so I'm enjoying it before hot weather comes ans settle down.
Hugs sweetie ! xo

Kate O, pred 6 leta

Yes, my kinda Summer Dress !! Thanks Sweetie !!

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