Truth be Told . . .

iz kolekcije Spring/Summer 2019Potovanje, pred 6 leta
od Kate O
Truth be Told . . .- Modna kombinacija
04 MAR 2019 ~ I really do need a vacation !! Not me alone but, with my Munchkins & daughter. It would be so nice to just relax and recharge for a week and then do something Fun & Active !!

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haikuandkysses, pred 6 leta


Niwi , pred 6 leta

Who knows, yep ! smile

Kate O, pred 6 leta

Yes, it would !! Unfortunately we would have to travel after school is out and I really don't like the crowds, plus, if Rachel isn't available to work then she loses money and I would have to work around my health issues. None is impossible, just difficult !! I have checked out Disneyland and it would be approximately six thousand dollars for the hotel, tickets and air fare. Food & Souvenirs are over and above that amount !! Very expensive, but, it would be worth it !! Who knows, maybe we can pull it off !!

Niwi , pred 6 leta

Very pretty combo Kate. At some point we all need a break. It would be wonderful for you to have it with Rachel and the kids smile
Hugs! smile

Kate O, pred 6 leta

Not a problem Sweetie !! I actually thought Ava was going to be an only child. We never thought about twins when Rachel got pregnant. They were a Wonderful surprise, but, a lot of work and worth all the hard work !! =D

HalfMoonRun, pred 6 leta

Kate O Je suis tellement désolée d'avoir oublié Dehlia et Phoenix : ( Bien sûr des vacances avec votre fille et TOUS vos Munchkins - So sorry to have forgotten Dehlia and Phoenix : ( Of course, vacation with your daughter and ALL your Munchkins. ☆ xoxo

Kate O, pred 6 leta

Thank You Lili Marie !! I think the twins would be a wee bit upset if it were just Ava, Rachel and me going on vacation !! LOL !! I really like the Straw accessories too !! Hugs !!

HalfMoonRun, pred 6 leta

Tellement charmant style et j'aime beaucoup les accessoires de paille que vous avez choisis. Je vous souhaite du temps de vacances avec votre fille et petite-fille. - So charming style and I really the straw accessories you have chosen. I wish you vacation time with your daughter and granddaughter. ☆

Kate O, pred 6 leta

Thanks Sweetie !!

Nanni33, pred 6 leta


Kate O, pred 6 leta

Thanks Bunches !!
@peewee PV
Incogneato ~ heart

peewee PV, pred 6 leta


mararivel, pred 6 leta


Incogneato, pred 6 leta

Sounds like a good plan. Beautiful style, Kate!

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