Early Riser

iz kolekcije Spring/Summer 2020Vsakdanje, pred 5 leta
od Kate O
Early Riser - Modna kombinacija
30 MAR 2020 ~ no matter what I still get up between 5-5:30am everyday. Not sure why, but, it's a good time for quiet work and trendMe !!

Happy New Week Sheltering in place !!

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Niwi , pred 5 leta

Absolutely ! :D

Kate O, pred 5 leta

Thanks Vero !! Wish I could sleep later, but, between my internal clock and Meesu it is usually around 5am !! I wear my night clothes until around 8am and then I have to get dressed !! Hee,hee !! I can just see you in a fluffy robe sipping on some coffee while chatting with your co-workers and the Headmistress !! Sounds like you are making the best of a bad situation !! Hugs !!

Niwi , pred 5 leta

What a lovely set smile
Since Monday I'm waking up at 7 now, as we changed time ! I still woke up at 6 am since I'm confined. I stopped the alarm clock. Our headmistress decided that we would begin to work (from home) at 9 am instead of 8:30 usually (at school). Well, I'm not working in pyjamas though, as we have video conf ;-) hehe

Kate O, pred 5 leta

Thanks Gals !!

beautifulplace, pred 5 leta

So very lovely & yummy ♥

JelNik, pred 5 leta

Wonderful set!!!!

Kate O, pred 5 leta

Thanks Hon !!

Diane1234, pred 5 leta

Great stay at home look!

Kate O, pred 5 leta

Thanks Sweet Friends !! Sometimes it's the pits being up so early, but, I do get quiet work done !! I am staying home and being as safe as possible !! Stay safe too my sweet Friends !!
Michelle858 ~ that's all I wear !! I Love night shirts !!

HalfMoonRun, pred 5 leta

Charmingly feminine styling and very delightful set.

Doozer , pred 5 leta

This is lovely Kate!! My internal clock won't let me sleep late either even though I can't go anywhere. Stay well Sweetie. Hugs

sandra , pred 5 leta

Oh my, that is early, lovely set

Michelle858, pred 5 leta

I just can't get used to the new time - Spring ahead - the hour !
All those goodies in the set look delicious !
I adore the robe and night shirt smile

Kate O, pred 5 leta

Thanks Hon !!
Marina Dusanic

Marina Dusanic, pred 5 leta

great set

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