" Gotcha !! "

iz kolekcije Spring/Summer 2021Fantazija, pred 4 leta
od Kate O
" Gotcha  !! " - Modna kombinacija
01 APR 2021 ~ Playing jokes or tricks on people this day can be funny, but, most of the time it's just lame !! April Fools Day was popular when I was a kid, but now I don't hear about truly creative pranks & jokes. A few years back it was unofficially designated as the holiday for those who felt the were being discriminated against by the Government & Religious Organizations who have numerous Holidays throughout the year. Needless to say that designation didn't go over very well !!

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Niwi , pred 4 leta

No idea either ;-)

Kate O, pred 4 leta

Thanks so much Sweet Friends !! HalfMoonRun

Another set that I missed with your nice comments !! Niwi and Renita
Thanks for the nice stories about April Fools !!
As a school kid it was fun to play jokes on that day, all very innocent, but, as I got older the jokes were sometimes cruel.
I haven’t a clue where the first of April was designated as a day to play jokes. ;-)

HalfMoonRun, pred 4 leta

Fun, creative and well designed set.

Niwi , pred 4 leta

Extra-beautiful set Kate !
We don't have something like April Fools Day here. 1st of Apris is just the day when some people are playing joke to some others, jokes that you finally acknowledge to the victim shouting "Poisson d'avril!" ("April fish !"). So silly and stupid ! smile We used to get some fake news on TV that very day. Now you can get some everyday everywhere on the net. Nothing very delightful to my opinion.
Hugs sweetie ! xoxo

Renita , pred 4 leta

Love this Kate! When I was in high school one of my teachers gave us an assignment to research and write a brief paper on Lirpa Loof. We all made valiant attempts to do this research in our Encyclopedias and local library (no Google in those days) - none of us could find anything. When we got back to school on Monday we were asked what we could find and, of course, no one had been able to. He then told us that Lirpa Loof was just April Fool spelled back words. Those of us who tried to complete the assignment didn't think it was that funny but now I think it was cute! Thanks for triggering this memory.

Kate O, pred 4 leta

dgia ~ ;-D
Thanks Sweetie !!

dgia, pred 4 leta

Ha ha ha,lovely!

Kate O, pred 4 leta

Thanks Ladies !!

justmetwo, pred 4 leta

Love it ♥

Michelle858, pred 4 leta

Happy April 2nd, Kate ! LOL ! What a creative set !

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