Les Fleurs Racontent Toujours Une Histoire

collection by Lili MarieDream, 2 months ago
by HalfMoonRun
Les Fleurs Racontent Toujours Une Histoire- Fashion set
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Comments (16)



Renita , 2 months ago

Dear Lily Marie, You are so very clever! That's is exactly why I love your work so muchheart

Gaja11 , 2 months ago

Fabulous set telling us a story ❣️

HalfMoonRun, 2 months ago

Dear Renita the idea of putting the clothes and accessories on a dark background had been my way of invoking the total eclipse of the sun that was coming. I thank you for liking them. ❤︎

Almadiana , 2 months ago


Renita , 2 months ago

I love these dark and romantic sets you're makingheart So beautiful.

herasdarne, 2 months ago

Beautiful feminin outfit!

Doozer , 2 months ago

So romantic Sweetie!! XXO

siriusfun, 2 months ago

Gorgeous outfit and I love the title too!!

BeBeauty, 2 months ago

gorgeous ♥♥

Evgeniya7, 2 months ago

❤️ A wonderful set telling a story! Wonderful! ❤️

Alsou0905, 2 months ago

Чистое совершенство♥

JelNik, 2 months ago

The set represents feminine charm and elegance, showcasing the timeless appeal of pink in fashion and beauty.

Márta Tugyi, 2 months ago

Very romantic!

zoloto, 2 months ago

The combination is charming and beautiful clothing design! This set is truly adorable and looks absolutely stunning!

Almadiana , 2 months ago

A dream!!!!!!!♥♥♥

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Previous member sets

Set items (5)

color white - Uncategorized -


woman flower dream dog pink photo - Uncategorized -
ARTDECO  lipstick - Cosmetics -
AJE pink dress - Dresses -


Graphic elements  (4)

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